New IUAP Program 2017-2018

New- Israeli Inter-University MA Program in Russian and East European Studies

The Humanities fund of the Israeli Council of Higher Education approved the opening of an Inter-University and inter-disciplinary progarm in Russian and East European Studies.

The program is the cooperation result of several departments at Ben-Gurion, Bar-Ilan, Haifa and Tel Aviv Universities. Registration is open through each of the partner universities, subject to their academic approval.

The specialization provides an in-depth introduction to social, political and cultural aspects of the geographical area of East-Central Eurpoe.

The program is taught as part of the existing curriculum in the departments of History, Jewish History, Literature, Art, and Jewish Thought at the partner universities. And is offered in reasearch or non-research tracks and is MA degree registered.


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OR CONTACT THE PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVES IN PARTNER UNIVERSITIES Outstanding students in the research track will be able to enjoy scholarships and research grants at the discretion of the program's steering committee.

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