Dr. Dina Moyal


Dina Moyal teaches Soviet and Modern Russian history at Tel Aviv University. She holds an LLB degree from Tel Aviv University and a PhD degree in history from Stanford University.

Dina's research focuses on Russian and Soviet legal history and culture and the role of legal mechanisms in realizing social and political goals. Dina is currently completing her manuscript on post-Stalinist legal institutions and the interaction between law and politics under Khrushchev and Brezhnev.

In her new research Dina examines trials and legal processes, which took place at major transitional moments in Russian/ Soviet history, from the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry in 1917 to the Process of the Communist Party in 1992.

In addition to her research and teaching, Dina is the Program Director of the Israeli Inter-University Partnership in Russian and East European Studies, which is a collaborative project of four Israeli universities (Bar-Ilan, Ben-Gurion, Haifa, Tel Aviv University, and The Open University of Israel) and is supported by the Council of Higher Education in Israel.

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