Research Projects
The Cummings Center’s research fellows take part in various academic projects, which focus on subjects as various as the history of the Russian revolution (Dr. Dina Moyal and Dr. Vera Kaplan), the Stalinist repressions (Prof. Igal Halfin), law and justice in the late Soviet period (Dr. Dina Moyal), Chinese-Russian relations (Prof. Mark Gamsa), mass internment during the First World War, gender and LGTB history (Prof. Iris Rachamimov), and the cultural and linguistic integration of new immigrants into Israeli society (Dr. Marina Niznik).
However, the Cummings Center’s most significant joint research undertaking is the publication of documents on Israel-Soviet relations. The first stage of this project was successfully completed in 2000, with the publication of the first two volumes of Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1941-53, Part I, 1941–May 1949; Part II, May 1949–1953. These volumes, which include about five hundred documents, provide scholars of foreign policy with indispensable sources on diplomatic relations between the two states. Not surprisingly, they remain highly appreciated and in great demand by the academic community.
At the current stage of the project it is planned to publish two additional volumes, which will include about six hundred diplomatic documents on Israel-Soviet relations in the most dramatic period of 1953–1967. The project is being carried out under the aegis of the Israeli and Russian Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to the intensive work of the Cummings Center’s research team (Dr. Boris Morozov, Prof. Emeritus Yaacov Ro’i and Dr. Yehoshua Freundlich), and their productive cooperation with experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences, documents that until recently have remained classified are now being prepared for publication and thus made available to both scholars and diplomats.