Junior Staff- East Asia


Dr. Ze'ev Oded Abet



Phone: 03-6407836

Dr. Keren Arbel



Dr. Arbel's research and teaching interests are: Early Buddhism, Buddhist meditation theory, Contemplative traditions in early India and the Maharashtra tradition. She deals with the translation of early Buddhist texts from the Pali language into Hebrew. Her book, "The Word of the Buddha", was published by Tel Aviv University Press. Her second book deals with the connection between the Wisna meditation and the four jahanas and was published by Rutledge: Early Buddhist Meditation: The Four Jhanas as the Actualization of Insight.

Dr. Avital Beykovitz



Lecturer, Department of Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University. Areas of interest: Management and organization of work in Japan, organizational identity, organizational culture, organizational globalization in Japan, power and resistance in organizations.


Dr. Michal Barnea-Astrog 



A researcher of psychoanalysis and Buddhism, a senior teacher of the Hakoni approach, and head of the three-year plan for the Israeli approach to ecumenism. 

Her books:

  • "Gentle people: gentle Buddhist and psychoanalytic observation" (Resling, 2018).
  • "Clarification: Vipassana, psychoanalysis and the self-investigating consciousness" (Resling, 2017).
  • "Psychoanalytic and Buddhist Reflections on Gentleness: Sensitivity, Fear, and the Drive Towards Truth" (Routledge, in press)
  • "Carved by Experience: Vipassana, Psychoanalysis, and the Mind Investigating Itself" (Karnac, 2017)

Interests and research:

  • Sensitivity, fear and faith;
  • States of consciousness and attention qualities in Vipassana Meditation and in the therapeutic space;
  • Meditation and the noble way of the phallic canon;
  • The relationship between the tendency to desire pleasure and reject pain and the sense of self, perception of reality, and the way in which suffering is created and transmitted from person to person;

Key terms: Possession, containment, initial fear of inertia; Pain and pleasure, sensation, perception and reaction; Rory, attention as environment; Projection, projective identification, transfer and countertransference; Karma and becoming conditioned.


Personal Website


Dr. Eitan Bolkon 



My research deals with the philosophy and interpretation of Zen Buddhist writings, focusing on the thought of Japanese Zen master Dogen (13th century) and his successors. In addition, I deal with Japanese philosophy and aesthetics as formulated in short poetry.

 Another field of research that I have been working on in recent years is comparative philosophy, especially on issues related to language and ethics in the thought of East Asian Buddhism and medieval Judaism.



Dr. Dalit Bloch Tzemah



Dr. Shalmit Barzano



Dr. Raz Grinberg


John Grinshfon


Dr. Smadar Winter




Dr. Ayelet Zohar



My main research subjects are contemporary art in Japan and East Asia, especially the theories and histories of contemporary photography in Japan - and in the Meiji period.


Personal Website


Dr. Erez Joskovich



Specializes in the intellectual and religious history of Chan / Zen Buddhism, with special emphasis on the development of the Rinzai stream in Japan from the 18th century onwards. My interests include ritual, faith, comparative philosophy, and interaction with modernity.


Personal Website


Dr. Erez Katz Volovelski



Nikki Littman (MA)



My interest is the Japanese language. I teach first and second year all the components of language - reading, speaking, writing and hearing.


Phone: 03-6409763

Office: Gilman, 252


Dr. Adiel Portugali



Prof. Andrew Henry Plaks


Dr. Itzhak Friedman


Dr. Dror Kochan



Mr. Arie Kootz



Dr. Lior Rozenberg


Dr. Raquel Shaoul



She holds a PhD from the University of London in 2002 and has since lectured at the Department of East Asian Studies at Tel Aviv University. 

Dr. Saul's interests are Japan's foreign policy, Japan's energy and security policy, focusing on energy security from the Persian Gulf and its impact on Japan-China relations.


Phone: 03-6406838


Mr. Guy Shimon Shababo


Inbal Shamir (MA)



Chinese philosophy focusing on Confucius and his teachings - moral theory and social and political values that emerge from Confucian thought throughout the ages. In addition, she deals with contemporary Confucian thought and the question of the possibility of applying and the relevance of missionary doctrines from different cultures at the present time.

I am particularly interested in the application of the core values of the classic "Four Books", through a course of action by the Unit for Social Involvement in the field of education.




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