Psychology as a Science
Psychology as a Science
Dr. Dafna Palti
A course for 2nd year students in the Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Culture track
Course Description: Psychology is the study of human behavior, but human behavior is complex and difficult to predict. Like physics or chemistry, psychologists use the scientific method in order to better understand and describe human behavior in the world around them. This year long course is aimed to give an introductory overview to the way it is done. We will start with presenting the scientific process and some history of scientific psychology since the 19th century. Next, we will go into the details of using research in psychology, by presenting some elementary terms in research methods and in statistics that are relevant to psychological research. The course will be accompanied by reading several research papers coming from different fields in psychology, in which we will apply the terms and theory introduced in class. We will also have some demonstrations of statistical experiments in class. The course as a whole will provide the students with basic knowledge of the terms, concepts and methods used in research in psychology, and will develop their ability to understand, and to think critically about, the psychological studies they will encounter.
Grades in this course are composed of: 70% - final take-home exam 20% - submission of homework assignments 10% - attendance and participation