Call for Participation: Academic professionalization from a critical perspective – A workshop for first generation in higher education research students (2018-2019)

Submission deadline: 14.10.2018

The Minerva Humanities Center in Tel Aviv University invites students to participate in a workshop for academic professionalization from a critical perspective.

The workshop is intended for MA or first-year PhD research students in the humanities or the social sciences, who are first generation in higher education*, and who consider climbing the academic ladder.

The workshop will combine guided reading in critical texts concerning academia, with practical training in various academic skills: reading and writing academic texts (including research proposals, theses and dissertations, papers and articles etc.), writing CVs and abstracts, applying for conferences and scholarships, approaching journals, academic employment and workers’ rights, academic networking etc.**

Workshop participants will be mentored by senior researchers from the Minerva Humanities Center and the Academy for Equality group.

The workshop will comprise 13 meetings during the 2018-2019 academic year on Tuesdays, between 17:00 and 19:30, every 2 or 3 weeks.

The number of workshop participants is limited. Applications will be accepted according to submission order and commitment to attend all workshop meetings. Onlt first generation students will be admitted. Participation is free.

Students interested to participate are asked to send a short email with a description of the course of their studies, their personal and academic background and the reasons they would like to take part in the workshop.

The email should be sent to by October 14th 2018.

Answers will be sent by October 28th. The Workshop will (most probably) begin on November 13th.

* Students whose parents don’t have an academic degree

** Workshop program might change

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