The 2019 Science Fiction Symposium at Tel-Aviv University
The Department of English and American Studies and the Porter School of Cultural Studies at Tel-Aviv University are happy to announce our next Science Fiction Symposium -- Re-Collections: Memory, History and Mindspace in Science Fiction.
This event, the sixth annual Science Fiction Symposium at Tel-Aviv University, will be a two-day conference held on the 17th and 18th of March, 2019, in room 496, Gilman building, Tel-Aviv University.
The full program, including panels with scholars from all over the world, as well as a round-table of Israeli science fiction writers (contributors from the recently-published anthology Zion's Fiction), can be found on the Symposium's Facebook event:
See you on March 17th and 18th!
Organizing Committee
The Science Fiction Symposium at Tel-Aviv University
The Department of English and American Studies
The Shirley and Leslie Porter School of Cultural Studies
Tel-Aviv University