מבצעי חודש הספר בחנות הפרסומים

דוחות חפירה מאתרים שונים, ספרי סדרת מוזאיק החדשה, פרסומי חפירות ההצלה, וספרים נוספים-

הכל בחצי מחיר ואפילו בפחות!


ובמבצע מיוחד- שלושת כרכי סדרת במרכז (in centro)

רק ב-120 ש"ח (במקום 330 ש"ח לשלושתם)!


מבצעים נוספים ינתנו למבקרים בספריית המכון.


[עד גמר המלאי או סוף המבצע 27.6.24]


רכישת הספרים תעשה באשראי בלבד
דרך ספריית המכון לארכאולוגיה:

036409023 (טלפון או וואטסאפ)


Monograph Series No. 42 (2022)

Yotvata: The Ze'ev Meshel Excavations (1974–1980)

The Iron I “Fortress” and the Early Islamic Settlement

Lily Singer-Avitz and Etan Ayalon

400 ₪


Monograph Series No. 41 (2022)

Megiddo VI: The 2010–2014 Seasons

Editors: Israel Finkelstein and Mario A.S. Martin

Authors: Israel Finkelstein, Mario A.S. Martin, Matthew J. Adams, Eran Arie and Assaf Kleiman

1000 ₪

500 ₪

Monograph Series No. 40 (2021)

Ramat Raḥel VI: The Renewed Excavations by the Tel Aviv–Heidelberg Expedition (2005–2010): The Babylonian-Persian Pit

Oded Lipschits, Liora Freud, Manfred Oeming and Yuval Gadot

300 ₪

150 ₪

Monograph Series No. 39 (2020)

Ramat Rahel IV: The Renewed Excavations by the Tel Aviv–Heidelberg Expedition (2005–2010): Stratigraphy and Architecture

Oded Lipschits, Manfred Oeming and Yuval Gadot

400 ₪ 

200 ₪

Monograph Series No. 38 (2020)

Apollonia-Arsuf: Final Report of the Excavations, Volume II

Oren Tal

400 ₪

200 ₪

Monograph Series No. 35 (2016)

Ramat Raḥel III: Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni’s Excavations (1954, 1959–1962)

Oded Lipschits, Yuval Gadot and Liora Freud

300 ₪ 

150 ₪

Monograph Series No. 28 (2010)

ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis – Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday

Editor: Itamar Singer

350 ₪

40 ₪

Monograph Series No. 27 (2009)

Aphek-Antipatris II: The Remains on the Acropolis: The Moshe Kochavi and Pirhiya Beck Excavations

Yuval Gadot and Esther Yadin

80 ₪

40 ₪


Monograph Series No. 26 (2007)

Timber in Ancient Israel: Dendroarchaeology and Dendrochronology

Nili Liphschitz

80 ₪

40 ₪

Monograph Series No. 25 (2007)

Ḥorvat ‘Uza and Ḥorvat Radum: Two Fortresses in the Biblical Negev 

Itzhaq Beit-Arieh

80 ₪

40 ₪


Monograph Series No. 24 (2006)

Megiddo IV: The 1998–2002 Seasons

Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin and Baruch Halpern

80 ₪

40 ₪

Monograph Series No. 22 (2004)

The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973–1994)

David Ussishkin

200 ₪

100 ₪

Monograph Series No. 20 (2002)

Tel Kabri: The 1986–1993 Excavation Seasons 

Author: Aharon Kempinski

Editors: Na'ama Scheftelowitz and Ronit Oren

80 ₪

16 ₪

onograph Series No. 18 (2000)

Megiddo III: The 1992–1996 Seasons

Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin and Baruch Halpern

80 ₪

16  ₪

Monograph Series No. 16 (1999)

Apollonia-Arsuf: Final Report of the Excavations, Volume I: The Persian and Helle₪tic Periods

Israel Roll and Oren Tal

80 ₪

16 ₪

Monograph Series No. 15 (1999)

Tel ꜥIra: A Stronghold in the Biblical Negev

Itzhaq Beit-Arieh

80 ₪

16 ₪


Monograph Series No. 14 (1997)

Highlands of Many Cultures: The Southern Samaria Survey; The sites

Israel Finkelstein, Zvi Lederman and Shlomo Bunimovitz

80 ₪

16 ₪



Monograph Series No. 12 (1996)

The Naḥal Qanah Cave: Earliest Gold in the Southern Levant

Avi Gopher and Tsvika Tsuk

60 ₪

12 ₪


Monograph Series No. 9 (1993)

Prehistoric Anatolia: The Neolithic Transformation and the Early Chalcolithic Period

Jak Yakar


12 ₪


Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 7 (1984)

Beer-Sheba II: The Early Iron Age Settlements

Ze’ev Herzog

60 ₪

12 ₪


Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 4 (1975)

Investigations at Lachish: The Sanctuary and the Residency (Lachish V)

Yohanan Aharoni

60 ₪

12 ₪


Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 2 (1973)

Excavations at Tel Beer-Sheba, 1969–1971 Seasons

Yohanan Aharoni

60 ₪

12 ₪



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