The Digitized Database of Jewish Cemeteries in Turkey, in Memory of Prof. Bernard Lewis z"l

The Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center is pleased to present the Digitized Database of Jewish Cemeteries in Turkey, in Memory of Prof. Bernard Lewis z"l

23 December 2020
The tombstone of Rivka, wife of Nissim Mutal

The database is the culmination of many years of dedicated research by Prof. Minna Rozen, and it provides access to a truly unique collection which combines digital images and textual content of nearly 60,000 Jewish gravestones from a variety of communities in Turkey from 1583 until 1990.


The website offers a sophisticated research platform that enables a very broad range of search options, including the epigraphical content of the gravestones, the materials used, and their ornamental elements. This website is unique in the academic world both for its sheer size and for the research opportunities it opens up to its users.


The beta version of the computerized database is available now >>

A Digitized Database in Memory of Prof. Bernard Lewis


We are doing our best to correct errors and improve the database. Suggestions and comments by users are welcomed.

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