

Gal Ed


Kitvei Yeda

Diaspora Series by Brepols

Rethinking Diaspora Series by De Gruyter



True to My God and Country      
Eli Ben Amram - Leader and Poet Thy Father’s Instruction:
Reading the Nuremberg Miscellany as Jewish Cultural History
Réussir pour revivre:
Jeunes rescapés de la Shoah
The Golden Age of Karaism

The Hem'at ha-Hemda Commentary on the Pentateuch

By the Rivers of Babylon

Jewish Art in Context

How Young Holocaust Survivors Rebuilt their Lives


Death in Jewish Life

Postwar Jewish Displacement and Rebirth

Jewish Life in Belarus

Memoirs & Diaries



Distresses, Hopes and Despair of Jews in Soviet Russia

Different Nationality, Equal Citizenship!

Joseph Perl and his Literary Legacy

 The Jews of Italy


Argentina, Israel, and Jews

Youthful Plots

The Heder




What I Have Seen...

Sefer Tikkun Soferim of Rabbi Itzhak Tzabah

Kroke - Kazimiez - Cracow

The Jews of Bukovina



The History of the Jews in Romania vol. 1-5

The Jewish Gangster in United States

Immigrants, Workers and Gangsters

The Days of the Crescent


There Once Was...

A Separate People

In Foreign Pastures



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