Dr. Noam Lefler

Dr. Noam Lefler

Role: Researcher

Email: noamlefler@gmail.com



Scope of Research:

Sabbatean theology, Zoharic and Lurianic literature, the history of early modern Jewry in Christian Europe and the Ottoman Empire.


Academic Background:

B.A. in the Department of General History at the Hebrew University. 


Three years of studying at the Sam Spiegel Film School


M.A. Studies in Ancient Egypt Studies at the Hebrew University


ERC research group (led by Prof. Pawel Maciejko) which dealt with religious conversions in the Early Modern Period. 


M.A. at the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University, M.A. thesis: Various motifs in the essay of Rabbi Yisrael Hazan from Kastoria  'Commentary on Psalms’ 


PhD. at the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University, PhD dissertation: The Sabbatean theological and political reactions toward the death of Sabbatai Zvi. Supervisors: Prof. Pawel Maciejko and Dr. Avishai Bar-Asher. 


Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Haifa in the Department of Jewish Thought. 


Selected Publications

Yakhini, Abraham. Vavey ha-Ammudim, critically edited and introduced by Noam Lefler, Cherub Press, Los Angeles, In press.


Israel Hazan. Commentary on Psalms, critically edited and introduced by Noam Lefler, Cherub Press, Los Angeles, 2016.


Lefler, Noam. “A Critical Edition of ‘Abraham’s Vision’ and Two Different Commentaries; Critical Edition of Nathan of Gaza’s Letter to Poland”. In: In the Footsteps of the Messiah: A Collection of Sources from the Beginning of the Development of the Sabbatian Faith, published from Manuscripts by Gershom Scholem, and now reprinted with emendations and additions by Jonatan Meir, Jerusalem and Berlin, 2021. 


Lefler, Noam. “The Emergence of the Occultation Doctrine in Modena’. In: Sabbatianism in Context: Jewish Messianism in Italy and the Mediterranean. Penn State University Press. In press.


Lefler, Noam. “A Prophet of an Absent Messiah”. El Prezente: Studies in Sephardic Culture (12-13). pp. 154-176, 2021.


Lefler, Noam. “When They Came to Take Her from the Clouds She was Already Adorned: The Homily of the Generation of the Flood in And I Came this Day unto the Fountain”. In: R. Jonathan Eibeschütz, And I Came this Day unto the Fountain, critically edited and introduced by Paweł Maciejko, Cherub Press, Los Angeles, 2014.

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