Role: Researcher
Scope of Research:
The cultural relationship between Islam and Judaism in the Middle-Ages, The Karaite movement: The Muslim theological influence of Islam on the Karaites and the Halakhic relationship between early Karaism and the Jewish sects in the second temple period
Academic Background:
M.A, The Jewish History Department at Tel-Aviv university.
Ph.D, The Jewish History Department at Tel-Aviv university: The Pascal sacrifice halakha in early Karite halakha, under the supervision of Prof. Moshe Gil z"l
Selected Publications
- תור הזהב הקראי / אנתולוגיה של היצירה הקראית במאות התשיעית עד השתים-עשרה, עורכים: יורם ארדר ומאירה פוליאק, הוצאת כרמל, ירושלים, 2022.
- The Karaite Mourners of Zion and the Qumran Scrolls; on the History of an Alternative to Rabbinic Judaism (Brepols) 2018 (483 pp)
- אבלי ציון הקראים ומגילות קומראן - לתולדות חלופה ליהדות הרבנית, תל אביב, הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד – ספריית הילל בן חיים למדעי היהדות (508 עמ'), תשס"ד
[The Karaite Mourners of Zion and the Qumran Scrolls; on the History of an Alternative to Rabbinic Judaism, Tel Aviv, (2004), 508pp]
- דרכים בהלכה הקראית הקדומה, תל אביב, הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד – ספריית הילל בן חיים למדעי היהדות (372 עמ') תשע"ג [Methods in Early Karaite Halakha, Tel Aviv (2012), 372pp]
- The Attitude of the Karaite, Yefet ben Eli to Islam in Light of his Interpretation of Psalms 14 and 53, Michael 14 (1997) pp. 29-40 (Hebrew)
- Remnants of Qumranic Lore in the Laws of the Karaite Benjamin al-Nihawandi Concerning Desired Meat, Zion 63 (1998), pp. 175-202 (Hebrew)
- The Tension between the Jewish Religion and the Land of Israel in Light of Research on the Karaite Sects during the Geonic Period, Zionism and the Return to History – A Reappraisal, eds. S.N. Eisenstadt and M. Lissak, Jerusalem, (1999), pp. 138-148 (Hebrew)
- The Attitude of the Karaite Yefet ben Eli to Moral Issues in Light of his Interpretation of Exodus 3:21-22, Sefunot 22 (1990), pp. 313-334 (Hebrew)
- The Altar of the Covenant at Mount Sinai (Exodus 24: 4-5), Teuda 16-17 (2000) , pp. 315-357 (Hebrew)
- The Prince Mastema in a Karaite Work, Megillot 1, (2003), pp. 243-246 (Hebrew)
- The Origin of the Name Idris in the Qur’an: a Study of the Influence of Qumran Literature on Early Islam. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 49, 1990 (pp. 339-350) (English)
- The First Date of Megillat Ta'anit in Light of the Karaite Commentary on the Tabernacle Dedication, The Jewish Quarterly Review, 82, 1992 (pp. 263-283) (English)
- The Karaites' Sadducee Dilemma, Israel Oriental Studies, 14, 1994 (pp. 195-226) (English)
- Early Karaite Conceptions about Commandments given before the Revelation of the Torah, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, 60, 1994 (pp. 101-140) (English)
- Daily Prayer Times in Karaite Halakha in Light of the Times of Islamic Prayer, Revue des etudes juives, 153, 1994 (pp. 5-27) (English)
- The Doctrine of Abu `Isa al-Isfahani and its Sources. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 20, 1996 (pp. 168-199) (English)
- The Negation of the Exile in the Messianic Doctrine of the Karaite Mourners of Zion, Hebrew Union College Annual 68, (1997), pp.109-140 (English)
- The Observation of the Commandments in the Diaspora on the Eve of the Redemption in the Doctrine of the Karaite Mourners of Zion, Henoch 19, 1997 (pp. 175-202) (English)
- The Karaites and the Second Temple Sects, Karaite Judaism (ed. M. Polliack), Leiden, 2003, pp. 119-143 (English)
- The Mourners of Zion: The Karaites in Jerusalem in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, Karaite Judaism (ed. M. Polliack), Leiden, 2003 (pp. 213-235) (English)
- Le schisme Karaite, Le Monde Sepharede, ed. S. Trigano, Paris, 2006, II, pp. 154-170 (English)
- L`influence de Mu`tazila sur les Karaite Histoire des relations entre Juifs et Musulmans des orgines a nos jours (eds. A. Meddeb and B. Stora), Paris 2013, pp. 758-767.
- Understanding the Qumran Sect in View of Early Karaite Halakha From the Geonic Period, Revue de Qumran 26, 2014 (pp. 403-423)
- The Influence of Muslim Theology on Yefet ben `Eli as Evidenced in His Interpretation of Two Biblical Stories: the Sins of King David in the Census and His Sin Committed with Bathsheba, Revue des études juives, 174, 2015 (pp. 47-76) (English)
- Karaite and Sadducee Inheritance Law in Light of Yefet ben ʿEli`s Commentary on Genesis 36, The Festschrift Darchei Noam: the Jews of Arab Lands (eds. C. Schapkow et al.), Leiden 2015, pp. 6-25 (English)