
Doctoral Students Commitee

The doctorants Commitee is the School's main body for managing research. The committee includes seven members and two permanant substitutes.


Currently, the committee members are:

Prof. Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni (Chair) (Dept. of East Asian Studies); Prof. Aron (Roni) Shai (Dept. of East Asian Studies); Prof. Miri Shefer-Mossensohn (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History); Prof. Nurit Tsafrir (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History); Prof. Meir Litvak (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History); Prof. Gerardo Leibner (Dept. of General History); Prof. Iris Rachamimov (Dept. of General History)

2023-2024 Committee meetings:

Semester A

Meeting date Deadline for submission
08/11/2023 25/10/2023
06/12/2023 22/11/2023
17/01/2024 10/01/2024

Semester B

Meeting date Deadline for submission
06/03/2024 21/02/2024
03/04/2024 27/03/2024
08/05/2024 24/04/2024


Scholarships' Committee

Currently, the committee's members are:

Prof. Miri Shefer-Mossensohn (chair); Prof. Gerardo Leibner (Dept. of History); Dr. Sagi Schaefer (Dept. of History); Dr. Ori Sela (East Asian Studies); Dr. Udi Halperin (East Asian Studies); Prof. Meir Litvak (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History); Dr. Amos Nadan (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History)


Teaching Committee

Currently, the committee's members are:

Prof. Miri Shefer-Mossensohn (chair)Prof. Gerardo Leibner (Dept. of History); Dr. Oded Rabinovitch (Dept. of History); Mrs. Yardena Libovsky (Dept. of History); Dr. Ori Sela (East Asian Studies) Dr. Roy Tzohar (East Asian Studies); Mrs. Shirley Glaser (East Asian Studies); Prof. Meir Litvak (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History); Dr. Irit Bak (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History), Mrs. Anat Grosspaise (Dept. of Middle Eastern and African History)​.


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