
The School offers fellowships to its most outstanding PhD students on a competitive basis. In current values, such fellowships are usually $15,000-20,000 each (plus tuition) annually, and are awarded solely on the basis of merit. Application forms are available for download. The policy of the Israel Board of Higher Education and of TAU is to renew fellowships each year, for a maximum duration of four years, based on continued outstanding performance of the student and subject to their availability.

Post-doctoral Fellowships:

The scholarly community associated with the School of History comprises, alongside its faculty and doctoral students, also a number of post-doctoral fellows every year. The various academic units of the School offer a score of fellowships of their own and under their responsibility. At the same time, the School is proud to offer four yearly international fellowships to highly distinguished scholars, as follows:

  1. The Zvi Yavetz Post-Doctoral Fellowships
  2. Thomas Arthur Arnold Post-Doctoral Fellowships
  3. The Dan David Foundation

The School also grants post-doctoral affiliation without funding to a limited number of eligible candidates. Fellows may receive library and email services, and will have no curricular obligations

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