Current Curriculum 2016-17

Fall Semester
History of the Middle East in the Modern Period
Middle East Networks
The Maghreb: Contemporary History and Politics of North Africa
Over Seas Program: Radical Islamic Movements (Ideology and Structure)
Over Seas Program: The Israeli Collective Memory of the Israeli/Arab Palestinian Conflict
Over Seas Program: The Struggle for Palestine: The Roots of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Seminar: Tribes and Tribalism in the Modern Middle East


Spring Semester
Social and Cultural History of the Middle East 
History of the Middle East in the Modern Period
Arab Society in the Mirror of Culture
Islamic Philosophy and the Modern Era
Cybersecurity Law & Policy: Global & Israeli Perspectives
Over Seas Program: Mobilization, Social Protest, Revolution: From the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street
Over Seas Program: The Struggle for Palestine: The Roots of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Over Seas Program: Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security in the 21st Century
Coursera: The Emergence of the Modern Middle East (2 credits)
Seminar: State and "Stateness" in the Modern Middle East
Seminar: Palestine 1948: Myth, Memory and Historiography


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