Curriculum 2015-16

Fall Semester
The 1st World War in the Middle East 
Globalization, Media and Civil Society
Educating the Middle East in the age of Empire 
Overseas Program: Israeli Politics 
Overseas Program: Radical Islamic Movements (Ideology and Structure) 
Overseas Program: History of the Middle East in the Modern Period 
Overseas Program: The Israeli Collective Memory of the Israeli-Arab/Palestinian Conflict
Overseas Program: Introduction to the Religion of Islam 
Overseas Program: The Israeli Economy
Overseas Program: History of the Middle East in the Modern Period 
Overseas Program: Introduction to the Religion of Islam 
English Literature Department: Modern Arab-American Literature: Origins and Now 
Seminar: Tribes and Tribalism in the Modern Middle East


Spring Semester
Islamic Law in the Modern Era 
Civilizing Nature: the environmental history of Jaffa and Tel-Aviv 
Social and Cultural History of the Middle East 
Overseas Program: Israeli Politics 
Overseas Program: History of the Middle East in the Modern Period
Overseas Program: Introduction to the Religion of Islam 
Overseas Program: Mobilization, Social Protest, Revolution: from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street 
Overseas Program: The Struggle for Palestine: The Roots of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Overseas Program: Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security in the 21st Century 
COURSERA - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East 
Seminar: Modern Iran 


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