Dr. Einat Gonen

Department of Hebrew Language
חוג ללשון עברית סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Dr. Einat Gonen
Phone: 03-6409422
Office: Rosenberg - Jewish Studies, 113



a.         Current employment

Senior lecturer, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, The Hebrew Language Department.



b.         Educational Background

Post doctorate,  Bar Ilan University, the department of Hebrew and Semitic languages. 2011-2012.

Ph.D.   Department of Hebrew Language,Hebrew University,Jerusalem,Israel, 2007.

Dissertation: “The Inflection of Nouns in Spoken Hebrew: Processes of Vocalic Reduction,” Doctoral Supervisor: Prof. Moshe Bar-Asher.

M. A.   Department of Hebrew Language,Hebrew University,Jerusalem, 1999, “Principles of Grammatical Rulings of the Academy of the Hebrew Language”.

 B. A.   Department of Hebrew Language and Department of General Studies,Hebrew University,Jerusalem, 1994, 

General Studies Majors: Hebrew Literature and Comparative Literature


c.         Professional Employment and Activities

University of Maryland, Visiting Assistant Professor, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, 2007-2010; Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 2001-2007; Core faculty, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, 2003-2010.

HebrewUniversity,Jerusalem,Israel, Hebrew Language Department, Institution for Jewish Studies, Lecturer, 1998-2001.

 The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Researcher, Scientific Secretariat, Academy of the Hebrew Language, Jerusalem, Israel, 1994-2001, Coordinator, Committee for Grammar, and Editor, Aqaddem (Bulletin of the Academy of the Hebrew Language).

Hebrew University,Jerusalem,IsraelTeaching Assistant, 1994-1996.

Hebrew University,Jerusalem,Israel,Rothberg International School, Ulpan Instructor, 1992, 1993.

 First year student advisor, Department of Hebrew Language,Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2000-2001.



a.         Chapters in books, Articles and Papers.

 E. Gonen. "Introduction to Israeli Corpus Linguistics. Researching Spoken Hebrew".In:  Teuda 27. 2016.

E. Gonen, Z. Livnat & N. Amir, "The discourse marker axshav (‘now’) in spontaneous spoken Hebrew: Discursive and prosodic features". Journal of Pragmatics,89, 2015 69-8 


E. Gonen & D. Rubinstein, "Gender Neutralization in Hebrew the Case of the Numerals in Colloquial Hebrew", Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 7, 1, pp. 1-29.

Creating Grammatical Norms for Contemporary Hebrew. Ha-ivrit 62, 3-4, 119-128,  2015.

Corpus Linguistics and Challenges in Modern Hebrew research. Hebrew as a Living Language, vol. 6, Forthcoming.

Are Spoken Hebrew Researches Really Represent the Spoken Hebrew Language?. Researches in Modern Hebrew and Jewish Languages. Mutchnik M. & Sadan T. (eds.). Forthcoming

Are There Grammatical Differences between the Language of Religious and Secular Jews? Observations on a Morphophonological Aspect of Israeli Hebrew, Hebrew Studies 52, pp. 279-291, 2011.

Grammar within Grammar: How Does the Hebrew Bible Interfere with Modern Hebrew Grammar?  (forthcoming in a celebratory volume for Adele Berlin,Bethesda,Md.: University Press of Maryland)

The Disappearing Hirik: a Discussion of a Morphophonological Phenomenon in Spoken Hebrew, Hebrew Linguistics 64, pp 7-22, 2010.

Researching Spoken Hebrew, proceedings of the 15th World Congress for Jewish Studies, With Shmuel Bolozky, Esther Borochovsky Bar-Aba, Nimrod Shatyl, Ora R. Schwarzwald,  2010 (online).

Normativity and Pragmatism in Teaching Hebrew as a Second Language, Hebrew Higher Education, 13, pp 71-85, 2010.

Is the Rule of Vowel Reduction Active in Spoken Hebrew?, Leshonenu 71, 3-4,  pp 401-415, 2009.

Researching Spoken Hebrew and its Implications for Teaching Hebrew as a Second Language, Issues in the Acquisition, Learning and Teaching of Hebrew (edited by A. Feuer, S. Armon-Lotem and B. Cooperman), pp 21-41, 2009. 

Researching Hebrew Grammar and Teaching it as a Foreign Language:  Norm and Reality in Teaching One Grammar Rule, Helkat Lason, 41, 2, pp 139-154, 2009.

 Vowel Changes in Spoken Hebrew Influenced by the Rule of Vowel Reduction: a Field Study, Leshonenu 71, 1-2, 2008.

 Neologism of the Academy of the Hebrew Language ("Me-hiddusheha Ha-ahararonim Shel Ha-aqademya”), leshonenu la’am, 46, 1995.


 b. Book Reviews

 “Issues in Colloquial Hebrew”, Borochovsky Bar-Aba Esther. (העברית המדוברת: פרקים במחקרה, בתחבירה ובדרכי הבעתה, בלשנות עברית). In Hebrew Linguistics 66. 145-148. 2012.

 “Gates to the Language: Research on Hebrew, Aramaic, and Jewish Languages in Honor of Moshe Bar-Asher – volume III” (שערי לשון: מחקרים בלשון העברית בארמית ובלשונות היהודים מוגשים למשה בר-אשר, ב, בעריכת א' ממן ואחרים, כרך ג), in Helkat lashon 40, 2008-2009, PP. 190-195.


 C. Encyclopedia Entries.

 Normativism, Encyclopedia of Hebrew and Linguistics, Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (EHLL), Forthcoming.

 Vowel elision/reduction: (ii) Modern Hebrew, Encyclopedia of Hebrew and Linguistics (EHLL) Forthcoming.


 D. Academic Publications Edited.

 “Summary of Hebrew Grammar” in Milon Even-Shoshan (new edition, ed. Moshe Azar). Tel-Aviv: hotsaat hamilon hehadash, 2003.

 Co-Editor with Ronit Gadish,  “Klale Netyyiat ha-Shem”, Leshonenu La'am, 51-52, 4, 2001.

 Aqaddem, The Bulletin of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, Number 4-17,Jerusalem, September 1994- March 2001.

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