a. Chapters in books, Articles and Papers.
E. Gonen. "Introduction to Israeli Corpus Linguistics. Researching Spoken Hebrew".In: Teuda 27. 2016.
E. Gonen, Z. Livnat & N. Amir, "The discourse marker axshav (‘now’) in spontaneous spoken Hebrew: Discursive and prosodic features". Journal of Pragmatics,89, 2015 69-8
E. Gonen & D. Rubinstein, "Gender Neutralization in Hebrew the Case of the Numerals in Colloquial Hebrew", Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 7, 1, pp. 1-29.
Creating Grammatical Norms for Contemporary Hebrew. Ha-ivrit 62, 3-4, 119-128, 2015.
Corpus Linguistics and Challenges in Modern Hebrew research. Hebrew as a Living Language, vol. 6, Forthcoming.
Are Spoken Hebrew Researches Really Represent the Spoken Hebrew Language?. Researches in Modern Hebrew and Jewish Languages. Mutchnik M. & Sadan T. (eds.). Forthcoming
Are There Grammatical Differences between the Language of Religious and Secular Jews? Observations on a Morphophonological Aspect of Israeli Hebrew, Hebrew Studies 52, pp. 279-291, 2011.
Grammar within Grammar: How Does the Hebrew Bible Interfere with Modern Hebrew Grammar? (forthcoming in a celebratory volume for Adele Berlin,Bethesda,Md.: University Press of Maryland)
The Disappearing Hirik: a Discussion of a Morphophonological Phenomenon in Spoken Hebrew, Hebrew Linguistics 64, pp 7-22, 2010.
Researching Spoken Hebrew, proceedings of the 15th World Congress for Jewish Studies, With Shmuel Bolozky, Esther Borochovsky Bar-Aba, Nimrod Shatyl, Ora R. Schwarzwald, 2010 (online).
Normativity and Pragmatism in Teaching Hebrew as a Second Language, Hebrew Higher Education, 13, pp 71-85, 2010.
Is the Rule of Vowel Reduction Active in Spoken Hebrew?, Leshonenu 71, 3-4, pp 401-415, 2009.
Researching Spoken Hebrew and its Implications for Teaching Hebrew as a Second Language, Issues in the Acquisition, Learning and Teaching of Hebrew (edited by A. Feuer, S. Armon-Lotem and B. Cooperman), pp 21-41, 2009.
Researching Hebrew Grammar and Teaching it as a Foreign Language: Norm and Reality in Teaching One Grammar Rule, Helkat Lason, 41, 2, pp 139-154, 2009.
Vowel Changes in Spoken Hebrew Influenced by the Rule of Vowel Reduction: a Field Study, Leshonenu 71, 1-2, 2008.
Neologism of the Academy of the Hebrew Language ("Me-hiddusheha Ha-ahararonim Shel Ha-aqademya”), leshonenu la’am, 46, 1995.
b. Book Reviews
“Issues in Colloquial Hebrew”, Borochovsky Bar-Aba Esther. (העברית המדוברת: פרקים במחקרה, בתחבירה ובדרכי הבעתה, בלשנות עברית). In Hebrew Linguistics 66. 145-148. 2012.
“Gates to the Language: Research on Hebrew, Aramaic, and Jewish Languages in Honor of Moshe Bar-Asher – volume III” (שערי לשון: מחקרים בלשון העברית בארמית ובלשונות היהודים מוגשים למשה בר-אשר, ב, בעריכת א' ממן ואחרים, כרך ג), in Helkat lashon 40, 2008-2009, PP. 190-195.
C. Encyclopedia Entries.
Normativism, Encyclopedia of Hebrew and Linguistics, Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (EHLL), Forthcoming.
Vowel elision/reduction: (ii) Modern Hebrew, Encyclopedia of Hebrew and Linguistics (EHLL) Forthcoming.
D. Academic Publications Edited.
“Summary of Hebrew Grammar” in Milon Even-Shoshan (new edition, ed. Moshe Azar). Tel-Aviv: hotsaat hamilon hehadash, 2003.
Co-Editor with Ronit Gadish, “Klale Netyyiat ha-Shem”, Leshonenu La'am, 51-52, 4, 2001.
Aqaddem, The Bulletin of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, Number 4-17,Jerusalem, September 1994- March 2001.