The Septuagint and Homeric Scholarshipin Alexandria: Study in the Narrative of the “Letter of Aristeas”(London and New York: Routledge, 2003). Published with the support of a grantfrom the Israeli Science Foundation.
Books in preparation:
1) Historical study of therevolt of the Maccabees, based on a literary analysis of 2 Maccabees.
2) Inter-Ethnic Encounters in the HellenisticWorld: A Greek Perspective. Greek ethnicity in Hellenistic times,with an emphasis on continuity and change from Archaic to Hellenistic times.
The Birthof a Diaspora: The Emergence of a Jewish Self-Definition in Ptolemaic Egypt inthe Light of Onomastics, in Sh.J.D. Cohen & E.S. Frerichs (eds., Diasporas in Antiquity, Brown JudaicStudies 288 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993) 93-127.
Philon, Flavius Josèphe, et lacitoyenneté alexandrine: vers une utopie politique, Journal of Jewish Studies 48 (1997) 62-90.
Les divers sens de l’ethnique Arabs dans les sources documentairesgrecques d’Égypte, Ancient Society 32(2002) 43-72.
Politeumata and Ethnicity in PtolemaicEgypt, Ancient Society 33 (2003)61-102.
Noms sémitiques à Edfou et Thèbes, Bulletin of the American Society ofPapyrology 40 (2003) 63-118.
Qui est raciste? A propos dequelques documents ptolémaïques et de leur interprétation moderne, in D.Dlugosz (ed.), Grecs, Juifs, Polonais. A la recherche des racines de lacivilisation européenne. Actes du colloque international tenu à Paris le 14novembre 2003, dédié à Joseph Mélèze-Modrzejewski (Paris-Warsaw, 2006)140-153.
Abraham in Egypt: Hebrew and Jewish-AramaicNames in Egypt and Judaea in Hellenistic and Early Roman Times, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik146 (2004) 279-97.
La descriptionde Jérusalem et de la Judée dans la Lettred’Aristée, Athenaeum 92/1 (2004) 73-101.
Permanencedes stratégies culturelles grecques à l’oeuvre dans les rencontresinter-ethniques entre l’époque archaïque et l’époque hellénistique, Pallas 73 (2007) 125-140.
Thenarrative function of the king and the library in the Letter of Aristeas, in T. Rajak, S. Pearce, J. Aitken and J. Dines(eds), Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic Rulers,Hellenistic Culture and Society 50 (Berkeley, The University of CaliforniaPress, 2007) 128-146.
Euhemerus ofMessene and Plato’s Atlantis, Historia 58/1 (2009) 1-35.
Jewish communities of Hellenistic Egypt: divergingresponses to a varying socio-cultural environment, in L.I. Levine and D.R. Schwartz (eds), JewishIdentities in Antiquity. Studiesin Memory of Menahem Stern (Tubingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2009) 117-135.
Cyclicaltime and ed documents: The construction of meaning in 1 Esdras,forthcoming in Was 1st Esdras First? An Investigation into theNature and Priority of First Esdras, edited by Lisbeth S. Fried (SBLSymposium Series; Atlanta:Society of Biblical Literature.
Les Juifs dans la société de l’Égypteromaine au croisement des sources documentaires et littéraires, forthcoming inthe proceeding of the international conference “New Testament Papyri Among Others /Lire lespapyrus du Nouveau Testament avec les autres papyrus d'Egypte,” Université de Lausanne,Swizerland, 22-24 October 2009, edited by Claire Clivaz and Jean Zumstein.
King andTemple in 2Maccabees: the Case for Continuity,” to be published in theproceedings of the Conference ‘Judah between East and West: The Transition fromPersian to Greek Rule (ca. 400-200 BCE’. Israeli-British Conference, Tel Aviv University, April 17th-19th,2007.
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