Dr. Beverly Lewin

Retired in Division of Languages Studies
היחידה ללימודי שפות בדימוס
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1984-94      Bar-Ilan U. - Linguistics Ph. D., June, 1995

Title of dissertation:  A genre-based approach to scientific reports: The analysis of social science research texts.


Supervisor:  Prof. Jonathan Fine

1975-77 Israel Teachers’ Institute English June, 1977 teacher’s license

1959-61 Boston U. Social Work M.S. June, 1961

1954-58 Cornell U. Sociology B.A. June, 1958 Ithaca, NY (with Honors)


1978 - 2004: Tel Aviv University, Division of Foreign Languages (now Division of Language Studies)
Courses taught:
Reading comprehension
Coordinator of English for Advanced Level, Humanities
Coordinator of  English for the School of Nursing (B.A.).
Scientific writing
Instructor in scientific writing for Ph.D. students
Responsible for design and teaching new courses in scientific writing for Ph.D. candidates in diverse fields (engineering, life sciences, exact sciences, social sciences)
2004 - 2008: Feinberg Graduate School, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel






  1. B. Lewin, J. Fine, and L. Young (2001). Expository discourse: A genre-based approach to social science texts. London: Continuum.


Reviews of the book:

  • V.K. Bhatia, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Vol 7/1: 111-114
  • Chris Eisenhart, Discourse Studies, Aug. 2004 6/3:415-417.

(excerpt) “As a teacher of discourse analysis and of composition for advanced social science students, I will be considering Expository Discourse as an alternative or supplement to Swales (1990) in the curriculum for the former, and will have a rich discussion of the SSR genre to hand for my teaching in the latter.”


2.B. Lewin (2010). Writing readable research: A guide for students of social science. London: Equinox. Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/21/21-3545.html


Reviews of the book:

  • Patricia Zoltan, The University of Adelaide, South Australia
    Linguist List 24.396, January 2013.


(excerpt) “A welcome addition to the array of academically inclined instructional manuals on how to create reader-friendly scientific texts. The author is an expert in the field of teaching scientific writing in the discipline of the Social Sciences and offers a compact volume with plenty of useful advice to students and guidance to tutors of scientific writing.
The most attractive feature of the book is its balanced mix of explanations, theory and task-based approach with a strong emphasis on skills building through activities, which are all based on authentic materials showcasing some similarities but also many differences between disciplines under the Social Sciences umbrella.


  • Yaoqin Xue, Department of Foreign Languages, Shanxi University. English for Specific Purposes 39 (2015) 75–82.

(excerpt) This book represents a useful addition to the pedagogical literature for teachers. As a result of Lewin’s 25 years of teaching and studying scientific writing, this course book gives systematic guidelines and useful tips for writing publishable scientific texts for the social sciences. Because there are no other similarly published books which, in a single volume, explore scientific writing as systematically and deeply as this one, Lewin’s contribution not only fills a gap but also presents a great aid for non-native speakers of English, English speakers who are new to professional writing and to social science students. In addition, authentic examples are used throughout the book, which decreases the risk of providing misleading and irrelevant guidelines to readers.


  1. F. Salager-Meyer and B. Lewin (eds.) (2011). Crossed words:  Criticism in scholarly writing. Bern: Peter Lang.


Review of the book:

  • Carmen Sancho-Guinda (2013), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Iberica 25:215-238.

(excerpt) “I wholeheartedly recommend Crossed Words: Criticism in Scholarly Writing to any member of the academic community (students, researchers, ESP and EaP practitioners, scientists and technology professionals alike) interested in the inner workings of critical scholarly writing.”




  1. B. Lewin (1984). Reading between the lines. English Language Teaching. 38:121-126.
  2. B. Lewin (1987). Attitudinal aspects of immigrants’ choice of home language. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 8: 361-378.
  3. B. Lewin (1992). A schema-based reading test. Issues in Language Teaching. Tel Aviv: Ramot I: 65-76, 1992.
  4. B. Lewin and B. Rubin (1998). Looking at written texts: Guidelines for assessment. Trends 8. 61-78.
  5. B. Lewin (2001). From hedging to heightening:  Toning down and up in scientific texts. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. September 2001: 17-28.
  6. B. Lewin and Y. Donner (2002) Communication in internet message boards. English Today 71. 18:29-37.
  7. B. Lewin (2005a). Hedging: Authors’ and readers’ identification of ‘toning down’ in scientific texts. J. of English for Academic Purposes 4, 163-178.
  8. B. Lewin (2005b). Contentiousness in science: the discourse of critique in two sociology journals. TEXT 25/6, 723 -744.
  9. B. Lewin and H. Perpignan (2012) Recruiting the reader in literary criticism. TEXT & TALK 32/6, 751 – 772.
  10.  B. A. Lewin (2013). Social constraints in scientific writing. Professional and Academic English: Journal of the English for Specific Purposes Special Interest Group, Summer – Autumn. 42:14-20.
  11.  Z. Livnat and B.A. Lewin (2016)  The Interpersonal Strand of Political Speech:  Recruiting the Audience in PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speeches. Language and Dialogue 6:2, 275–305. doi 10.1075/ld.6.2.04liv issn 2210–4119 / e-issn 2210–4127 © John Benjamins
  12.  B. Lewin and Z. Livnat. (Hebrew - 2016)  [Like everyone else in the nation, I was also moved:  Reinforcing solidarity in P.M. Netanyahu’s Hebrew speeches]  Israel Studies in Language and Society 9 (1-2)
  13. Françoise Salager-Meyer, Beverly A. Lewin and  Marianela Luzardo Briceño  (2017). Neutral, risky or provocative? Trends in titling practices in complementary and alternative medicine articles (1995-2016) Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 23.2, 263-289 http://dx.doi.org/ ISSN: 2340-8561
  14. Beverly A. Lewin, Françoise Salager-Meyer, and  Marianela Luzardo Briceño  (2019). The colon title in complementary and alternative medicine articles (1995–2016): Content, context, authorship and rhetorical functions . Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 3, p. 313-335, ISSN 2040-3666. Available at: https://journals.equinoxpub.com/JALPP/article/view/34990. doi:10.1558/jalpp.34990. aug. 2019.


Chapters in books


  1. B. Lewin and J. Fine (1996.). The writing of research texts:  Genre analysis and its applications.  In G.Rijlaarsdam, H.van den Bergh and M.Couzijn (eds.),.Theories, models and methodology in writing research.  Amsterdam: University of  Amsterdam Press. (pp. 423-443)
  2. B. Lewin (1998). Hedging: Form and function in scientific research texts. In: I. Fortanet, S. Posteguillo, J.C. Palmer, and  J.F. Coll (eds.). Genre studies in English for academic purposes. Castello:  Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. (pp. 89-104).
  3. B. Lewin and H. Perpignan (2011).  Mind the gap:  Criticism in literary criticism.  In F. Salager-Meyer and B. Lewin (eds.)  Crossed words:  Criticism in scholarly writing. Bern: Peter Lang. (pp.127-152).
  4. F. Salager-Meyer, María Ángeles Alcaraz Ariza, and Beverly A. Lewin (2014). Abstract quality in complementary and alternative medicine papers: a structural and cross-generic analysis. In Marina Bondi and Rosa Lorès-Sanz (eds.) Abstracts in academic discourse: Variation and change. Bern:  Peter Lang (pp.222-240).




  1. B. Lewin (1998). Review of The construction of professional discourse. B-L Gunnarsson, P. Linell and B. Nordberg (eds.).New York: Addison Wesley Longman. 1997. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. 21:139-140.

2.B. Lewin (2012). Review of Metalanguage in interaction: Hebrew discourse markers by Yael Maschler. Functions of Language 19:1.. iv, 145 pp. 105–118





B. Lewin and J. Friedler (1993). Univeral questions. In: New ways in teaching reading. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

J. Friedler and B. Lewin (1993). Getting to know your dictionary. In: R. Day (ed.), New ways in teaching reading. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. 


B. Lewin (1993). Writing reader-friendly texts. In: R. White (ed.), New ways in teaching writing. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.




International Conferences


B. Lewin - Teaching and testing the research article, 15th World Conference on Language Learning, University of Helsinki, July, 1985.


B. Lewin, M. Schcolnik, R. Olin, & W. Jex - Student self-assessment in a reading placement test, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, San Antonio, Texas, March, 1989.


B. Lewin - Rhetorical functions in social science research texts, 9th Annual Colloquium (Workshop on Language for Specific Purposes), Jerusalem, August, 1991.


B. Lewin and B. Rubin - The writing process of research texts. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Writing Section, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October, 1994.

B. Lewin and J. Fine

Genre structure and its realizations in scientific discourse. International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney, July, 1996.


B. Lewin - Hedging in scientific texts. International Systemic Functional Congress, Cardiff, July, 1998.


B. Lewin - From hedge to sledge: Toning down and up in scientific texts. International Systemic Functional Congress, Singapore, July, 1999.


B. Lewin - Impoliteness in scientific texts. International Systemic Functional Congress, Ottawa, July, 2001.


B. Lewin and H. Perpignan - Recruiting the reader in literary criticism. International Systemic Functional Congress, Vancouver, July 2010.


B. Lewin and Z. Livnat - The Interpersonal Strand of Political Speech:  Recruiting the Audience in PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speeches,

Political Discourse Conference, University College London, June 2015.


International Seminars


Criteria for assessing scientific writing, Department of English, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, August, 1990.

Genre structures and authorial perspective in scientific texts, Department of Linguistics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, September, 1997.

Contentiousness in Science, Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 30, 2005

Kings College,  London University, July 7, 2006

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