Prof. Yochai Oppenheimer

Department of Literature
החוג לספרות סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Yochai Oppenheimer
Phone: 03-6409689
Office: Rosenberg - Jewish Studies, 302


  1. The Poetry of Avot Yeshurun, Tel Aviv: HaKibutz HaMeuchad, 1997
  2. Political Poetry in Israel, Jerusalem: Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2003
  3. The Representation of the Arab in Hebrew Fiction, Tel Aviv: Am Oved 2008 
  4. Mizrahi Diasporic Poetry in Israel,  Tel Aviv: Resling, 2012
  5. From Ben-Gurion Street to Shari al-Rashid - On Mizrahi Prose, Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2014
  6. The Art of Symptoms – Reading Aharon Appelfeld's Fiction, (with Ktzia Alon), Tel Aviv: Gama, 2014
  7. Remembering the Diaspora in Hebrew Literature, Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik, 2015


  1. “Poetics of Power in Hanoch Levin’s Theatre”, Siman Kriah 20, 1990: 204-216.
  2.  “Interim Situation in Yair Hurvitz’ Poetry”, Siman Kriah 21, 1990: 280-287.
  3. “Political Competence; Lyrics and Politics in Dalya Rabikovich’ Poetry”, Siman Kriah 22, 1991: 415-432.
  4. “Bakhtin’s concept of Dialogue”, Criticism and Interpretation 28, 1992: 93-108.
  5. “Auden, Zach and Laor in Political Context”, Alpaim 19, 1994: 238-259.
  6. ”The Song of Songs and Sexual Poetry”, Mechkarey Jerushalaim Besifruth Ivrith 15, 1995: 7-21.
  7. “Determinism as Poetics”, Dapim LeMechkar BeSifruth (Haifa U.P.)10, 1996: 238-259.
  8. “Reality and Pastoral Mode in Tshernichovski’s Poetry”, in Arpali, B. and Shamir, Z. (eds.) The Pastoral Works of Tshernichovski, Tel Aviv: HaKibutz HaMeuchad, 1998: 163-180.
  9. “Ratosh’ Later Poetry”, Mechkarey Jerushalaim Besifruth Ivrith 17, 1999: 167-182. 
  10. “The Arab in the Mirror: The Image of the Arab in Israeli Fiction",  Prooftexts 19, 1999: 205-234. (E)
  11. “On Bialik’s Elegy”, Sadan (Tel Aviv U.P.) 4, 1999: 113-130.
  12. “Feminism and Nationality – The Poetry of Anda Amir-Pinkerfeld in the 40’s and 50’s, Mikan (Ben-Gurion U.P.) 2, 2001: 142-164.
  13. “Yehoshua Sobol’s Political Theater”, in Bar-El, Y. Schwartz, Y. Hess, T. (eds.), Literature and Society – Festschrift in Honor of Gershon Shaked, Tel Aviv: HaKibutz HaMeuchad 2001: 363-380.
  14. “Conquering the Wasteland and the National Narrative – in Shlonski’s and Alterman’s Poetry” Alpaim 23, 2002: 83-103.
  15. “The Topos of the Living-Dead in the Poetry of 1948”, Sadan (Tel Aviv U.P.) 5, 2002: 416-442.
  16. “Representing the War by Hanoch Levin – Tragedy, Comedy, Satire”, in Yaari, N. and Levi, S. (eds.), Hanoch Levin – The Man with the Myth in the Middle, Tel Aviv: HaKibutz HaMeuchad, 2004: 173-186.
  17. “The Question of Evil in Israeli Holocaust Fiction", in Y. Hoffman, H. Reventlow (eds.) The problem of Evil and its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition, London and New York; Clark International 2004, pp. 178-192 (E)
  18. “The Representation of the Arab in the Fiction of 1948”, in Hever, H. (ed.), A Moment of Birth – Studies in Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures, in Honor of Dan Miron, Jerusalem, Mosad Bialik 2007: 467-495.
  19. "Arabs in Mizrahi Perspective", Mikan 9, 2008: 57-78.
  20. "The Holocaust: A Mizrahi Perspective", Hebrew Studies 51, 2010, pp. 282-306 (E
  21. "Parody and Mizrahi Poetry", Ktovet 2, 2010,
  22. "Mizrahi Fiction without Ashkenazim", HaKivun Mizrah 22, 2010, pp. 61-70.
  23. "The Becoming of the Mizrahi Body", Theory & Criticism 36, 2010: 161-184.
  24. "Music and Jewish-Arab Identity", Peamim 125-127, 2011, pp. 161-184.
  25. "Oedipal Narrative in Second-Generation Mizrahi Fiction", Theory & Criticism 38, 2011  
  26. "Representation of Space in Mizrahi Fiction", Hebrew Studies 53, 2012, , pp. 335-364 (E)
  27. "Representation of Mizrahi Sociolect", Ha-Ivrit Safa Haya 6, pp. 7-25 (with Rivka Bliboim
  28. '“How Bound the Arab Is to His Land”: The House of Rajani and the Limits of Zionist Discourse', Prooftexts 32, 2013, pp. 381-408 (E
  29. "On the Becoming of the Mizrahi Male Body", Orbis Litterarum 61, 2014, pp. 23-56 (E)
  30. "Exile and Melancholy in the Hebrew Poetry of the 1920's", Theory & Criticism 42, 171-202, 2014
  31. "The rise and Fall of the moralistic Discourse", in Ephraim Lavie (ed.), Nationalism and Morality, Jerusalem: Carmel, 2014, pp. 281-304
  32. "Ana min al-Magrab – Diasporism in Erez Bitton's Poetry", in Yochai Oppenheimer & Ktzia Alon (eds.), Readings in Erez Bitton's Poetry, Tel Aviv: Gama, 2014, pp. 13-49
  33. "Tshernichovsky and the affirmation of Exile", in Ofer Shiff (ed.), Iyunim Be-Tkumat Israel – Homeland and Exile, Ben-Gurion U.P. 2014, pp. 535-571
  34. "Poetics of Trauma in Dan Pagis' Poetry", in Hannan Hever (ed.), Dan Pagis' Poetry – Documents and Research, Jerusalem: Bialik Institue, 2016, pp. 21-59 
  35. "Mizrahi Fiction as a Minor Literature",  in Dario Miccoli (ed.), Contemporary Sephardic and Mizrahi Literature, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, pp. 98-114 (E)
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