Prof. Orna Peleg

School of Philosophy
ביה"ס לפילוסופיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Orna Peleg
Phone: 03-6405006
Office: Webb - School of Languages, 304


Language and Cognition Lab 

Studies carried out in our lab are designed to explore the processes and mechanisms underlying real-time language comprehension and production. We focus on how lexical and conceptual processes interact, and how the brain supports this integration.  In language comprehension, we focus on how orthographic processes interact with phonological and semantic processes during reading. Related to this line of research, we also look at the interaction of the orthographic and phonological aspects of the different languages of bilinguals as they read in one language or the other one. In language production, we look at the relationship between orthography, phonology and semantics from the opposite direction. Specifically we ask whether concepts automatically activate their corresponding lexical forms. Examining these issues involves a variety of methods including, response time measures, divided visual fieldexperiments, eye tracking, computational simulations, and brain imaging methods (ERPs, and fMRI) (the latter in collaboration with researchers at Haifa University).


Visit the lab's website


Peleg, O., Ben-Chur, G., & Segal, O. (2020). Orthographic, phonological and semantic dynamics during visual word recognition in deaf vs. hearing adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63, 2334–2344.


Assor, H., Miller, P. Peleg, O., & Eviatar, Z. (2020) Phonology and orthography in deaf readers: Evidence from a lateralized ambiguity resolution paradigm, Laterality, 25:6, 675-698 

Bar-On, A., Oron, T., & Peleg, O (2020). Semantic and syntactic constraints in resolving homography: A developmental study in Hebrew. Reading & Writing.


Peleg, O., Degani, T., Raziq, M., & Taha, N. (2019). Cross-lingual phonological effects in different-script bilingual visual-word recognition. Second Language Research, (3), 1-38.


Giora, R., Cholev, A., Fein, O. & Peleg, O. (2018). On the superiority of defaultness: Hemispheric perspectives of processing negative and affirmative sarcasm. Metaphor and Symbol, 33(3),163-174.  


Peleg, O., Norman, T. & Bergerbest, D. (2018). Phonological effects in visual word recognition: Evidence from the processing of two types of Hebrew acronyms. Journal of Research in Reading, 41, S1-S11.


Peleg, O., Ozer, R., Norman, T., & Segal, O. (2018) Pereceptual simulation during sentence comprehension: A comparison between typical adolescents and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Jourmnal of Neurolinguistics, 45, 36-44.


Bitan, T., Kaftory, A., Meiri-Leib, A., Eviatar, Z., & Peleg, O. (2017) Phonological ambiguity modulates resolution of semantic ambiguity during reading: An fMRI study, Neuropsychology, 31(7), 759.


Norman, T., Degani, T., & Peleg, O. (2017) Morphological processing during visual word recognition in Hebrew as a first and a second language, Reading and Writing 30(1), 69-85.


Peleg, O., & Eviatar, Z., (2017) Controlled Semantic Processes within and between the Two Cerebral Hemispheres, Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 22(1), 1-16.


Or, S., Ariel, M., & Peleg, O* (2017).  The case of literally true propositions with false implicatures. In Chiluwa (Ed.). Deception & Deceptive Communication: Motivations, Recognition Techniques and Behavioral Control (pp. 67-108). Nova Science Publishers.


Norman, T., Degani, T., & Peleg, O. (2016) Transfer of L1 visual word recognition strategies during early stages of L2 learning: Evidence from Hebrew learners whose first language is either Semitic or indo-European, Second Language Research, 32(1), 109-122.


Peleg, O., Edelist, L., Eviatar, Z., & Bergerbest, D. (2016). Lexical factors in conceptual processes: The relationship between semantic representations and their corresponding phonological and orthographic lexical forms, Memory & cognition, 44(4), 519-537 .


Hayadre M., Kurzon D., Peleg O., & Eviatar Z.(2015). Ambiguity resolution in lateralized Arabic. Reading and Writing, 1-24.


Peleg, O., Markus, A., & Eviatar, Z. (2012). Hemispheric asymmetries in meaning selection: Evidence from the disambiguation of homophonic vs. heterophonichomographs. Brainand Cognition80, 328-337.


Peleg, O., & Eviatar, Z. (2012). Understanding written words: Phonological, lexical and contextual effects in the two cerebral hemispheres.  In M. Faust (Ed.), The Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Language, (Vol. 1, pp. 59-76). Wiley-Blackwell.


Peleg, O., Giora, R. (2011). Salient meanings: The whens and wheres. In: Kasia M. Jaszczolt and Keith Allan (Eds.) Salience and Defaults in Utterance Processing.  Mouton Series in Pragmatics (pp. 32-35). General Editor: Istvan Kecskes. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.


Eviatar, Z., Hazan, H., Manevitz, L., Peleg, O*., and Timor, R. (2010). Interactions between hemispheres when disambiguating homograph words during silent reading. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and 2nd International Conference on Neural Computation, 271-278. *Authors are listed in alphabetical order


Peleg, O., Eviatar, Z., Manevitz, L., & Hazan, H. (2010). Two hemispheres two networks: A computational model explaining hemispheric asymmetries while reading ambiguous words. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligences59 (1), 125-147.


Peleg, O., & Eviatar, Z. (2009). Semantic asymmetries are modulated by phonological asymmetries: Evidence from the disambiguation of heterophonic versus homophonic homographs.  Brain and Cognition70, 154–162.


Peleg, O., Giora, R., & Fein, O. (2008). Resisting contextual information: You can't put a salient meaning down. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 4(1), 13-44.


Peleg, O., & Eviatar, Z. (2008). Hemispheric sensitivities to lexical and contextual constraints: Evidence from ambiguity resolution.  Brain and Language105(2), 71-82.


Peleg, O., Eviatar, Z., Hazan, H., & Manevitz, L. (2007). Differences and interactions between cerebral hemispheres when processing ambiguous homographs. In L. Paletta and E. Rome (Eds.), Attention in cognitive systems. Theories and Systems from an Interdisciplinary Viewpoint (pp. 372-386).BerlinHeidelberg: Springer-Verlag.


Peleg, O., Eviatar, Z., Manevitz, L., & Hazan, H. (2007). Using Neural Network Models to Model Cerebral Hemispheric Differences in Processing Ambiguous Words. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI07). Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy'07). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 230, 31-37.


Peleg, O., Giora, R., & Fein, O. (2004). Contextual strength: The whens and hows of context effects. In I. Noveck & D. Sperber (Eds.), Experimental Pragmatics (pp. 172-186).Basingstoke: Palgrave.


Peleg, O., Giora, R., & Fein, O. (2001). Salience and context effects: Two are better than one. Metaphor and Symbol16, 173-192.

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