Prof. Dina Porat

Emeritus in Department of Jewish History
חוג להסטוריה של עם ישראל אמריטוס
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Curriculum Vitae

Dina Porat, 04157102/7

Professor Emeritus of  Modern Jewish History

Department of Jewish History

Faculty of Humanities


Home address: 23 Ankor st., Ramat Hasharon

Tel: 5403872. Fax: 5497112. Cell: 054-68-24-383.



Born: Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 24, 1943

Aliya: February, 1950

Army Service: Nahal, in Kinneret and Ein-Gedi, 1961-1964

Marital Status: Married + 3 sons + 8 grandsons and granddaughters


B.A. – in English and American Literature & in Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, in 1968


M.A. – in Jewish History (summa cum laude), at Tel Aviv University in 1974

Title of M.A. thesis: “The Concentration of Jewish Refugees in Vilna during 1939-1941, and their Efforts to leave before the Nazi Occupation”.

Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Carpi


Ph.D. – in Jewish History, at Tel Aviv University, in 1984

Title of Dissertation: “The Role Played by the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem in the Efforts to Rescue European Jewry during the Holocaust, 1942-1945”.

Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Carpi.


Further Studies and Visits

1984/5 – Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, fellow member of the program on “Jews under Nazi Rule”, headed by Prof. Yehuda Bauer.


1987/8 – Fellow member of the Center for Israel and Jewish Studies, headed by  Prof. Yosef H. Yerushalmi, Columbia University, New York.


1995/6 – The Yad-Vashem International Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, headed by Prof. Yisrael Gutman, fellow member of the researchers seminar.


1999/2000 – Visiting professor in the Harvard university Centers for European and for Jewish Studies.


2004 – Visiting Scholar in the NYU Department for Hebrew and Judaic Studies.


2007 -  Researcher at the Memoriale de la Shoah, Paris


2008 – Teaching and conducting research in Venice International University.

Academic Positions and recognition


Since October 2011- Chief Historian of Yad Vashem, (the national Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority, Jerusalem).


Since October 2010 – Head of the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry in Tel Aviv University.


2013 – Chosen by TheMarker as one of "the 50 Sharpest Minds in the Israeli


Since 2013 – Member of the renewed Lithuanian Presidential  Historical Commission for the Study of  Nazi Crimes  during World War II (and the subsequent memory of the Holocaust in Lithuania). Based in Vilnius.


2012 – Awarded the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Medal, by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.


2011 - the Tikkun Olam Award, given by the Haiti Jewish Refugee Legacy Project.


2005-2010 - Academic Advisor of the ITF, the International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research, now the IHRA, the International  Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, incorporating 34 countries (based in Stockholm and Berlin).


Since 2004 – Member of the academic committee of the Stiftung  Bayerische Gedenkstaetten (the Bavarian Memorial Fund), for the preservation of former concentration camps as centers of memory and teaching (based in Munich). 

2004- Awarded TAU's Faculty of Humanities best teacher. 


2000 – The Memorial Medal, marking 55 years since the victory on Nazi Germany, awarded by the Partisans and the Fighters against the Nazis Organization.


Commentating frequently on TV, Radio and the press, and lecturing to the general public, on both historical and contemporary issues and debates.



 Recent Academic Positions

2000-2003 - Head of the Department of Jewish History


2004-2007 – Head of the Chaim Rosenberg School for Jewish Studies


1992 – 2010 – Head of the Project for the Study of Antisemitism, and as of 1998 of the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of contemporary Antisemitism and Racism.


1997-2013 – incumbent of the Alfred P. Slaner Chair for the Study of Antisemitism and Racism. 


Former Academic Positions

 Since 1976 -Teacher in the Department of Jewish History, Tel Aviv University.


1975-1977, 1988-1989 - Lecturer in the I.D.F. Staff & Command College.


1979-1981 - Coordinator of the Chaya and Benjamin Schapelski Chair in Holocaust Studies, headed by Prof. Daniel Carpi.


1982-1984 - Head of the Diaspora Studies Program, The Diaspora Research Institute.


1986-1995 - Member of the Advisory Committee of the Weizmann Institute for the Study of Zionism and Israel.


1988-1993 - Member of the Faculty of Humanities and of the Department of Jewish History Academic Studies Committees.


Since 1992 - Member of the Scientific Committee and the public council of the Diaspora Research Institute.


Since 1995 - Member of the Israeli Historical Society Council.


Since 1995 - Lector of research proposals presented to the Israeli Academy of Sciences on German History and the Holocaust..


Since 1998 - Member  and head of the Yoran-Schnitzer scholarships committee.


1999-2003 - Member  and head of the Ph.D. students’ committee, the Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies.


Since 2001 - Member of the Wiener collection academic committee.


Since 2001 - Member of the World Union of Jewish Studies Committee on Jewish History.


2008- Member of TAU's Special Collections Committee.


2008-2010 – Representing the Faculty of Humanities in TAU' Board of Governors.


Since 2010- Member of TAU's President Conferences committee.


Since 2010 – Member of the Indiana University Institute for the Study of Antisemitism board and publications Committee.




Professional Experience


1979              An expert witness in the Ma’ariv Case, the district court of Jerusalem.   Ma'ariv was sued for alleged libeling of two British MPs as antisemites using Nazi propaganda style 


1981-84         Consultant to a 65-chapters radio series, “The Yellow Star”.


Since 1982    Many varied Activities in Beit-Hatefutsoth (the Diaspora Museum, now the Museum of the Jewish People).


1986/7, 1995 Everyman’s University, consultant on study programs.


1986                            Member of the Public Activities Committee of the Israeli Historical Society.

1988/9           Member of the Yad-Tabenkin Public Council, the Research Committee and the Scholarships Committee.

1991              Expert witness in the “Davar Case”, concerning comparisons of Israeli parties to the Nazi party, the Tel Aviv District Court.

1993              Member of the Israeli Foreign Ministry delegation to the Human Rights International Convention in Vienna (as an expert on anti-Semitism and racism).

1993              Member of the “Moreshet” publication council.

1995              Member of the Ghetto fighters’ House Council.

Since 1995    Expert opinion on complaints to the Israeli police regarding alleged anti-Semitic expressions and Nazi symbols.

Since 1997    Member of the European Center for Research of anti-Semitism and Racism (CERA) Scientific Committee.

1999              Member of the WJC’s steering committee on the “Future of the Jewish People’s” project.

October 2000 Member of the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s delegation to the Strasburg preparatory conference for Durban.

April 2001     Participation in the Jewish European Congress and UNESCO’s Paris preparatory conference for Durban.

September 2001 Member of the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s delegation to the UNWCAR (UN World Conference against Racism) in Durban, South Africa.

2001- 2003    Member of the Ministry of Education’s committee preparing “the core program of high school studies” (Liba).

2001 -           Preparing Material on the "Yellow Star" for a survivors' plea to the Israeli Supreme Court of Justice. 

October 2003 Participation and presentation of a  project on international legislation against discrimination in the U.N. Third Commission meeting.

2002/3           A 16-chapters radio program on Abba Kovner’s biography was broadcast three times.

April 2004     Presentation of a  project on international legislation against discrimination in the OSCE conference against anti-Semitism in Berlin.

June 2005     Presentation of tools to monitor anti-Semitism in the OSCE Cordoba conference on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

2007 – Member of the Arad  Governmental Commission for honoring the Holocaust survivors in Israel, on its 60th anniversary.

Since 2008 – Member of the Claims Conference international grants allocations committee. 

Research Students

Graduate Students


Tutored 30 M.A. theses and 15 Ph.D. dissertations, written by Israeli students.

Among them,

Dr. Frumina Sh'hori is director of the Yad Vashem branch in Givata'im.

Dr. Liat Stier-Livni is member of the Open University staff.

Dr. Bella Gutterman is director of  the International Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, in Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

Dr. Roni Stauber is academin director of the Wiener Collction for the Study of the Nazi Era and the Holocaust

Dr. Margalit Shlain is Director of the Theresienstadt House in Kibbutz Givat Haim.


Tutored 8 Chinese exchange graduate and Ph.D. students, and one M.A. thesis from Harvard.

Tutored 5 post- doctoral students.


Publications Since 1998



- Beyond the Corporeal, The Life and Times of Abba Kovner, Am Oved and Yad Vashem, Tel Aviv, 2000, pp. 475 (Hebrew). Second printing: 2000. Won the Zandman and the Buchman prizes.


- 2004, Third printing of  An Entangled Leadership, the Yishuv and the Holocaust 1942-1945, Am Oved, Tel Aviv, 1986, pp. 580 (Hebrew). Second printing: 1987.


- 2008, Con las manos atadas, El liderazgo zionista y el Holocausto 1939-1945, TAU  y EDZ Nativ Ediciones,  pp. 421: a translation into Spanish of  The Blue and the Yellow Stars of David, The Zionist Leadership and the Holocaust, 1939-1945, Harvard University Press, 1990, pp. 334 (English).


Israeli Society, the Holocaust and its Survivors, essays, Valentine Mitchell, 2008, pp. 459 (English).


- The Fall of a Sparrow, the Life and Times of Abba Kovner, Stanford UP, 2010, pp. 411 (English), won the National Jewish Book Award in the category of biography, autobiography and memoir.


- Smoke-Smelling Morning Coffee, Essays on the Encounters of the Yishuv and Israeli Society with the Holocaust and its Survivors, Am Oved and Yad Vashem, 2011, pp. 502. (Hebrew). Won the Egitt prize.


Scientific Editing


- Kauno getas: diena po dienos, Mosklo ir enciklopediju leidibos institutas, 2000,  pp. 558, a  translation into Lithuanian of Avraham Tory, Surviving the Holocaust, edited and with an introduction by Martin Gilbert, textual and historical notes by Dina Porat, Harvard University Press, 1990, pp. 554. Paperback edition: 1991 (English).


- D. Porat and R. Stauber, Anti-Semitism Worldwide, a Tel Aviv University Annual since 1994 (general analysis, country-by-country, essays and book reviews). English.


-  A Yizkor Book to Riteve – A Jewish Shtetl in Lithuania, editing, introductions and annotations, pp. 207, Cape town, 2000 (English).


- Between the Star of David and the Yellow Star, The Jewish Community in Palestine and the Holocaust 1939-1945 (225 documents), eds: D. Porat and Y. Weitz, Yad Vashem and Yad Ben-Zvi, 2002, pp. 457. Second printing: 2005. A selection of documents (Hebrew).


- Abba Kovner, a Missive to Hashomer Hatzair Partisans, Moreshet, 2002, pp. 125.

     Editing, introduction and endnotes (Hebrew, Yiddish and English).


- D. Porat and M. Naor, the Jewish Press in Eretz-Israel and the Holocaust, 1939-1945, Tel Aviv, 2002, pp. 296 (a collection of research essays). Second printing: 2005 (Hebrew).


  -   D. Porat and R. Stauber, eds., Antisemitism and Terror, Proceedings of the  2000 Tel Aviv University 5th international conference on anti-Semitism  in New York, TAU, 2003, pp.182 (English).


-  D. Porat and G. Ben-Dror, Between Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism, Proceedings of the October 2002 Tel Aviv University 6th international conference on anti-Semitism in Mexico City,  TAU, October 2003, pp. 216 (English).


- D. Porat, R. Braude and K. Ben-Yochanan

     Changes in the Attitude of the Vatican towards the Jewish People and the State of    Israel following the Holocaust, documents and historiography (in process).


- D. Porat (ed. with A. Halamish),  When Disaster comes from afar, Leading Personalities in the Land of Israel confront Nazism and the Holocaust, 1939-1945, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, 2009,  pp. 552 (Hebrew).


- T. Naamat,  N. Osin and D. Porat, eds., Legislation for Equality, A Multi national Collection of Non-Discrimination Norms, Vol. I: Europe, 2012, pp. 552, Vol. II: Americas, 2013, Marinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden and Boston, endorsed by UNESCO.


Journal Publications and chapters in books


  1. “Amalek’s Accomplices”: Blaming Zionism for the Holocaust – Anti-Zionism Ultra Orthodoxy in Israel during the 1980’s, in: Memory and Awareness of the Holocaust in Israel, Tel Aviv, ed. Yoel Rappel, 1998, pp.55-86 (Hebrew).

Translated from the Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 27, 1992, pp. 695-729.  


2. “Un probléme historiographique: L’attitude de David Ben-Gurion vis-à-vis des Juifs d’Europe pendant la shoah”, L’historiographie israélienne aujourd’hui, Direction: Florence Heymann & Michel Abitbol, CRFJ Mélanges, CNRS Éditions, Paris, 1998, pp. 111-130.


 3. “The Justice System and the Courts of Law in the Ghettos of Lithuania”, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 49-65 (English).


 4. “The East-European Survivors’ Brigade – Protocols of Meetings, April 4-July 23 1945”, in: Bonds of Silence, the survivors and the Land of Israel, ed. Yoel Rappel, Masua, 28, Tel Aviv, 2000, pp. 177-201 (Hebrew).


5. “The Histadrut (the Workers’ Union) and the Eretz-Israeli Yishuv Allocation of Funds to Rescue European Jewry”, in: From a Working Society to a Workers’ Organization – a collection of essays on the Workers’ Union during the Yishuv and the state. Eds. Y. Gorni, A. Bareli, Y. Greenberg, Tel Aviv and Sde-Boker, 2000, pp. 469-497 (Hebrew).


6. “A Forty Years Struggle”, Anne Frank’s Diary and Holocaust Deniers, 1958-1998”, in: The Holocaust – the Unique and the Universal, essays presented in honor of Yehuda Bauer, Jerusalem, 2001, pp. 160-183 (Hebrew).


7. “Rescue during the Holocaust and the ‘Negation of the Diaspora’ in the Eretz-Israeli Yishuv”, in: Hatzionut 23, 2001, pp. 175-192 (Hebrew).


8. “The Historians’ Dispute over David Ben Gurion’s Attitude to the Holocaust”, in: All The Days, a selection of essays, Masua 30, ed. Yoel Rappel, 2001, pp. 185-198 (Hebrew).


9. “Durban – Another Kind of Assault on Israel and the Jewish People”, in: Kivunim Hadashim (new directions) 7, September 2002, pp. 51-60 (Hebrew).


10. “May 19 to July 19 – What did the Yishuv know about the Jews in Hungary?”  The Hebrew Press in Eretz Israel and the Holocaust 1939-1945, 2002,  pp. 168-180 (Hebrew), eds. D. Porat and M. Naor.

      And in: Genocide and Rescue, the Holocaust in Hungary 1944, ed. David Cesarani, Oxford, 1997, pp. 179-193.


11. “Does Esau hate Jacob and why?” New Anti-Semitism and its Characteristics, Gesher 145, summer of  2002, pp. 7-16 (Hebrew). To be found in in English, French and Spanish as well.


12. “What is Anti-Semitism, Then?” Kivunim Hadashim 8, April 2003, pp. 83-95 (Hebrew).


13. “From Passover to Pesach”, the Beth-Lechem Nativity Church Affair and the Media, Kesher 33, May 2003, pp. 132-137 (Hebrew).


14.  “The Lady and the Garment”, International Developments leading to the Present Wave of anti-Semitism, in: The Face of Hate, Anti-Semitism in the Third Millenium, Masua, 31, ed. Yoel Rappel, 2003, pp. 11-22 (Hebrew).


15. “The Historian and the Study of Anti-Semitism”, Gesher 149, summer 2004,  pp. 14-25.


16. "‘Al-Domi’ – Intellectuales d'Erez Israel face a la Shoah, 1943-1945",

  Revue d’histoire de la Shoah 182, 2005, pp. 172-211, (French). To be found in Hebrew, English and Hebrew as well.


17. "Les Juifs d'Israel et l'Agence Juive face a la Shoah", Revue de L'histoire de la Shoah 182, 2005, pp.145-175.


18. “The Anti-Semite Creates an Image – and it frightens him”, Alpaim 28, 2005, pp.78-83 (Hebrew): A response to A. B. Yehoshua.


19.  “There was Fear in Jerusalem” – Holocaust and Anti-Semitism in Amos Oz “Story on Love and Darkness”, in: Israel 7, a special edition dedicated to Oz’s book, Spring 2005, pp. 143-154 (Hebrew).


20. “Definitions of Antisemitism” – A Historical Perspective, in: anti-Semitism  Worldwide 2003/4, Tel Aviv University, 2005, pp. 5-17 (English).


21."Tears, Protocols and Actions in Wartime Triangle; Pope Pius XII, Roncalli and Barlas", in: Cristianesimo nella storia 27, 2006, Bologna University, pp. 599-632 (English).

Reprinted in Yalkut Moreshet 8, 2010, pp. 105-124 (English), in Yalkut Moreshet, 4 (87), December 2009, pp. 105-123 (Hebrew).

And in Centro Pro Unione's semi-annual Bulletin, n. 80, Fall 2011, pp. 3-13 (English).


22. "The Richard Wagner and Adolf Hitler Connection: Ideology or Fascination?", in: Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, University of Winchester, Vol. 12/3, winter 2006, pp.89-106 (English).


23. "The Road that led to an Internationally accepted Definition of  Antisemitism", in: Jahrbuch fuer Antisemitismusforschung 16, 2007, pp. 117-137 (English).


24. "The Historiography of Antisemitism in the Shadow of the Holocaust", in: Antisemitism: the Generic Hatred, Essays in Memory of Simon Wiesenthal, eds. M. Feinberg, s. Samuels, M. Weitz man, Vallentine Mitcell, 2007, pp. 285-300, reprinted in the Russian, Spanish and French editions of the book.


25. "Do Everything to verify your Cable": Yitzhak Greunbaum, his Activities and Expressions during the Holocaust, in: When Disaster comes from Afar, Leading Personalities in the Land of Israel confront Nazism and the Holocaust, 1933-1948, Yad ben-Zvi, 2009, pp. 449-473 (Hebrew).


26. D. Porat and Iris  Nahum, The History of the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp as reflected in its Changing and Expanding Functions, in: A Holocaust Crossroads: Jewish Women and Children in Ravensbrueck, Ed. Irith Dublon-Knebel, Vallentine Mitchell, 2010, pp. 17-37.

And in German: "Die Geschichte des Konzentrationslager Ravensbruck im Spiegel seiner Funktionen", in: Scnittpunkt des Holocaust, Judische Frauen und kinder im Konzentrationslager Ravensbruck, Metropol, Berlin, 2009, pp. 21-40.


27. "The International Working Definition of Antisemitism and its Detractors", The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol.5/3, 2011, pp. 93 – 101 (English).


28. "Hiding in a Malina [a hiding place] will be considered as Treason" – the Individual and the Collective in the Vilna Ghetto Underground, Bishvil Hazikaron, 9, June 2011, pp. 22-35 (Hebrew).


29. "Antisemitism between Political History and National Memory: Herzl's Encounters with World Leaders", in: Culture, Memory and History, Essays in Honor of Anita Shapira, Vol. I: Images of Memory, TAU and Zalman  Shazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem, 2012, 207-225 (Hebrew). 


30. "Holocaust Denial and the Image of the Jew, or: They Boycott Israel as an Israeli Product" ,in: Resurgent Antisemitism – Global Perspectives, ed. Alvin Rosenfeld, Indiana UP, 2013 (English).


31. "Holocaust Denial and the Image of the Jew, or: They Boycott Israel as an Israeli Product",in: Resurgent Antisemitism – Global Perspectives, ed. Alvin Rosenfeld, Indiana UP, 2013 (English).


Articles following Conferences


1.“Israeli Society and recent Attitudes towards the Jews of Europe and Holocaust Survivors”, presented in the researchers conference convened for the opening of the Holocaust Memorial Museum, December 1993, Washington. Published in: The Holocaust and History, eds. Michael Berenbaum and Abraham J. Peck, Washington, D.C., 1998, pp. 785-798.


2. “Jewish Decision-Making during the Holocaust”, presented in the Holocaust Educational foundation on “Lessons and Legacies II”, Chicago, 1992. Published in: Lessons and Legacies, II, Teaching the Holocaust in a changing World, ed. D.G. Schilling, Illinois 1998, pp. 85-102.


3. “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: New Uses of an Old Myth”, presented in the “The ‘Other’ as Threat: Demonization and Antisemitism”, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 1995. Published in: Demonizing the Other – Antisemitism, Racism and Xenophobia, ed. R.S. Wistrich, London, 1999, pp. 323-336.


4. “The Vilna Ghetto Diaries”, read in the Yeshiva University conference on “Documentation of the Holocaust Period”, October 1993. Published in: Individualizing the Holocaust through Diaries and other contemporaneous personal Accounts, ed. R.M. Shapiro, New Jersey, 1999, pp. 158-169.


5. “Some Effects of the Holocaust on Israeli Society and Foreign Policy”, Sino-Judaica – Jews and Chinese in Historical Dialogue (A. Oppenheimer, ed.), Tel Aviv 1999, pp. 159-168. Presented in the 1996 conference on Jewish communities in China, TAU and Nanjing Universities.


6. “Zum Raum wird hier die Zeit”: Richard Wagner’s Bedeutung für Adolf Hitler und die nationalzocialistische Führung”, Richard Wagner und die Juden (D. Borchmeyer, A. Maayani, S. Vill, eds.), Stuttgart-Weimar 2000, pp. 207-222 (German.) “Space turns here into Time”: Wagner’s Impact on Hitler and the Nazi Leadership. Presented in the 1998 conference on Wagner and the Jews in Bayreuth.


7. “Blurring the Distinction between Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism” in: Europe-Israel: A Troubled Relationship. Is there a New Anti-Semitism? Tel Aviv, December 2003, pp. 121-125. Presented in the Heinrich Boell Foundation conference in TAU, November 2002.


8. “Zionism = Racism in Historical Perspective”. Between Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism, proceedings of the October 2002 Mexico City 6th international seminar of TAU on antisemitism, October 2003, pp. 12-25, ed. D. Porat and G. Ben-Dror (English) and in  Ha’Uma 155, March 2004, pp.13-23. (Hebrew)



9. “Meir Ya’ari and Abba Kovner – Polarized Conceptions of Nationalism and Judaism following the Holocaust”, in: The Holocaust in Jewish History – Historiography, Historical Consciousness and Interpretations, ed. Dan Michman, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2005, pp. 329-356 (Hebrew).


10. Trends in Global Anti-Semitism (keynote lecture), on CD, proceedings of the February 2005 conference on Anti-Semitism in the Contemporary World, Monash University, Australia.


11. “A Historical Document: The Protocol of the Encounter between the Yishuv Representatives and Joel Brand in Haleb, Syria, June 1944, Yalkut Moreshet 80, November 2005, pp. 177-186 (Hebrew) and Yalkut Moreshet  3, Winter 2005, pp. 147-160 (English).  Proceedings of the April 2004 sixty years commemoration of the murder of Hungarian Jewry TAU conference.


12. "The Diaspora Museum and Israeli-Jewish Identity", in: Jewry between Tradition and Secularism, Europe and Israel compared, eds. E. Ben-Rafael, T. Gergley and Y. Gorny, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2006, pp. 233-247 (English).

And in: Jews at Present: Ingathering and Dispersion, in Honor of Yosef Gorny, eds. E. Ben-Rafael, A. Bareli, M.Hazan, O.Schiff, Jerusalem 2009, pp. 406-418 (Hebrew).


13. "The Denial of the Holocaust and the Anne Frank Diary: attacking a Symbol", in: Facts  and Lies in the Common Knowledge  on the Holocaust, eds. D. Nalecz and M. Edgaro , the Jagellonian University and the ITF, Warsaw-Cracow, 2006, pp. 21-35 (English). 


14. “Forging Zionist Identity Prior to 1948 – Vis-à-vis which Counter Identity? In: Israeli and Palestinian Narratives of Conflict – History's Double Helix, ed. Robert. I. Rotberg, Indiana UP, 2006, pp. 47-71. Proceedings of conferences (February and October 2003) in the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard.


15. "Trends in Researching the Reasons that caused the Holocaust, and their Political and Cultural Background, 1945-2000", Zmanim, winter 2007, pp. 28-39 (Hebrew).


15. “Herzl’s Views on Anti-Semitism in Retrospective“, in: Herzl Then and Now - An Old Jew or a New Person? Eds. Avi Sagi and Yedidia Z. Stern, Israel and Judaism series, The Hartman Institute and Bar-Ilan, 2008, pp. 151-171 (Hebrew).

 A keynote lecture in "the Jewish State – the State of the Jews" – a May 2004 Bar-Ilan conference, marking 100 years since Herzl's death.


16. “Nahum Goldmann and the Establishment of the Diaspora Musum”, in: “Nahum Goldmann – Stateman without a State”, ed. Mark A. Raider, CUNY and TAU, 2009, pp. 225-271 (English).


17. “First Testimonies on the Holocaust: The Problematic Nature of Conveying and Absorbing them, and the reaction of the Yishuv", in: Holocaust Historiography in Context – Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements, eds. D. Bankir and D. Michman, Yad Vashem and Bergham Books, New York- Oxford, 2009, pp. 437-460.



Encyclopedia Items


Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, ed. Israel Gutman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1990 (and the English and German editions): David Ben-Gurion, Yitzchak Greunbaum, The Teheran Children, Enzo Sereni, Hannah Szenes, The Yishuv and the Holocaust, the Rescue Committee.


The Education and Teaching Lexicon, eds. Y. Kashti, M. Arieli, S. Shlaski, Tel Aviv University, 1999: Education during the Holocaust (Hebrew).


Yale University Holocaust Encyclopedia, Walter Laqueur and Judith Tydor-Baumel (eds.), New Haven and London, 2001: The Vilna Ghetto (pp. 663-667); Emissaries in Istanbul (pp. 326-329).


Jewish Writers of the Twentieth Century, ed. Sorrel Kerbel, Fitzroy Dearborn, London and New York, 2003: Kovner Abba, pp. 302-303.


Jewish Women – A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, Shalvi publishing ltd., 2006 (on CD): Anne Frank.


YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, editor in chief Gershon David Hundert, Yale University Press, New haven and London, 2008: Abba Kovner, Gisi Fleischmann, Dov-ber Wiessmandel, Jacob Gens.


Reviewing and updating  all items concerning anti-Semitism and editing  and adding new ones in the renewed  Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem 2007 (53,500 words), and serving as consulting editor.


Scholarship and Grants


1. Scholarships for distinction in studies:


1967 & 1971 – The Dean of Students Scholarship.

1973 –              The Achad-Ha’am scholarship

1976 –              The Yad Vashem Scholarship.

1978-1980 –     The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.

1981 –               The Ema Rosenberg & Luba Dantelo Scholarship, from the Florence                                      & George S. Wise Fund.

1972 –              The Yad Ben-Zvi and 1976 – the Polish Jewry awards for the M.A. thesis.



2. Research Grants:


1974 – The Bella Mandelsberg-Shildkroit Fund.

1976 – The Dante Lattes Fund.

1980 – The Mordechai (Moma) Glickson Fund.

1994/5 The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.

1996/7 The Yoran-Schnitzer Fund.

1998 – The AMOS (president of the State of Israel) Foundation.


January 1997-2000 – A GIF (German Israeli Fund) 155,000 Euros grant to research “The Jewish Women Prisoners in the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp – A Historical and Sociological Research”. Initiator: Judith Buber Agassi.

Senior Researchers: Prof. Claudia Ulbrich, the Free University, Berlin; Dr. Sigrid Jacobeit, The Ravensbruck Memorial and Museum; Prof. Hanna Herzog and Prof. Dina Porat, Tel Aviv University. Researchers:   Drs. Daliah Eliezer, Irith Knebel and Adriana Kemp, Tel- Aviv University; Ph.D. students Sabina Kittel and Linda Apel, The Free University, Berlin.


January 2001-2004 – A GIF second allocation of 300,000 Deutschmarks.

Senior researchers: Profs. Gisela Bock and Peter Steinbach, Germany; Profs. Dina Porat and Hannah Herzog, Tel Aviv University. Researchers: Dr. Irith knebel, Judith Buber Agassi, Sabina Kittel and Linda Apel.  



3. Book Awards:

1988 – The Yad Ben-Zvi Award, for “An Entangled Leadership”, the Yishuv Leadership and the Holocaust, Am Oved, 1986.

1990 – The Arie Kubovitzki (chairman of Yad Vashem Council) Award for distinguished contribution to the research of the attitude of Israeli Society to the Holocaust and its survivors.

1991 – Finalist for the National Jewish Book Award, for “The Blue and the Yellow Stars of David”, Harvard University Press, 1990.

1999 – The Zandman Partisans’ award and the

2000 – The Yad Vashem Buchman award, both for the biography of Abba Kovner.

2010 – The National Jewish Book Award, for The Fall of a Sparrow, the Life and Times of Abba Kovner, Stanford UP, 2010.

2011 – The Egit Grant for Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Literature for Smoke Smelling Morning Coffee, Essays on the Encounter of the Yishuv and Israeli Society with the Holocaust and its Survivors, Yad vashem and Am Oved, 2011.


Conferences and Guest Lectures

- Participated in over 60 academic conferences in Israel and about 45 worldwide since 1981, some as a keynote speaker.

- Was invited to about 30 guest lectures worldwide and 25 in Israel.


Lectures and  conferences of special interest:


First Semester, 2004 - the TAU Rector’s Series, 14 lectures on "the People of Israel among the Nations": Jews and Israelis facing Antisemitism and the Holocaust.

Two lectures in the Vatican, in December 2000 and in  October 2010, on the relations between Pope Pius the XII and his delegate in Istanbul, Angelo G. Roncalli, later Pope John the XXIII, based on primary  private sources Porat found in Jerusalem.  

An interview with the Nuncio Mgr. Antonio  Franco  in Jerusalem, on the TV first channel, before the  visit of Pope Benedictus the XVI to Israel, in April 2009.

Member of the Israeli Foreign Ministry delegations to UN conferences as an expert on Racism, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism, such as the June 1993 Human Rights conference in Vienna; two pre-Durban in Strasburg and in UNESCO Paris in 2000;  the anti-racism Durban I, in South Africa on September 2001, and a UN plenary in New York, in 2003, where a draft volume of Legislating for Equality was presented (please see below, under Publications).

The Kantor Center team, headed by Porat, has monitored and analyzed the situation of antisemitism worldwide for the last twenty years. Convinced that knowledge and information gathered in the academia should serve the public, the team publishes the findings in annual press conferences, gathers the Diplomatic Corps for briefings, held 11 biennial international conferences with participants from about 35 countries each, and sends an  annual abstract to the UN Third Commission's Special Rapporteur on the situation of antisemitism worldwide, to be included in his annual report.  


Addressing some hundreds of Navy crew aboard the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75)  aircraft carrier, in the Mediterranean,  speaking about the role of the Holocaust in the life of Israel, on Holocaust Memorial Day (On May 2008), at the request of its Commanding Officer, captain Herman A. Shelanski, USN. 

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