Prof. Roni Katzir

(2024) (with Nur Lan, Imry Ziv, and Emmanuel Chemla) Large Language Models can help the study of human linguistic cognition. Ms., ENS and TAU.
(2024) (with Moshe E. Bar-Lev) Attested connectives are better at answering questions. Under review.
(2024) (with Aviv Schoenfeld and Moshe E. Bar-Lev) Adverb order with still. To appear in Proceedings of NELS 54.
(2024) (with Daniel Asherov and Danny Fox) Strengthening, exhaustification, and rational inference. Linguistics & Philosophy.
(2024) (with Nur Lan and Emmanuel Chemla) Large language models and the argument from the poverty of the stimulus. To appear in Linguistic Inquiry.
(2024) (with Nur Lan and Emmanuel Chemla) Bridging the empirical-theoretical gap in neural network formal language learning using Minimum Description Length. To appear in Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024).
(2024) (with Danny Fox) Large Language Models and theoretical linguistics. Theoretical Linguistics 50(1–2):71--76
(2024) On the roles of anaphoricity and questions in free focus. Natural Language Semantics 32:65--92.
(2023) (with Nur Lan and Emmanuel Chemla) Benchmarking neural network generalization for grammar induction Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data (LSD); 131–140, Association for Computational Linguistics..
(2023) Why large language models are poor theories of human linguistic cognition. A reply to Piantadosi. Biolinguistics 17, Article e13153.
(2023) (with Matan Abudy, Nur Lan, and Emmanuel Chemla) Minimum Description Length Hopfield Networks Presented at NeurIPS workshop on associative memory and Hopfield Networks.
(2023) (with Moshe E. Bar-Lev) Communicative stability and the typology of logical operators. To appear in Linguistic Inquiry.
(2022) (with Moshe E. Bar-Lev) Positivity, (anti-)exhaustivity, and stability. In Degano, M., Roberts, T., Sbardolini, G., and Schouwstra, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, pp. 23-30.
(2022) (with Maike Züfle) Reasoning about stored representations in semantics using the typology of lexicalized quantifiers. In Gutzmann, D. and Repp, S. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, pp. 923-944.
(2022) (with Nur Lan, Michal Geyer, and Emmanuel Chemla) Minimum Description Length Recurrent Neural Networks. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 10, pp. 785-799.
(2021) (with Ezer Rasin, Iddo Berger, Nur Lan, and Itamar Shefi) Approaching explanatory adequacy in phonology using Minimum Description Length. Journal of Language Modelling, 9:1, pp. 17-66.
(2020) (with Danny Fox). Notes on iterated rationality models of scalar implicatures. Journal of Semantics, 38:4, pp. 571-600.
(2020) (with Ezer Rasin and Itamar Shefi). A unified approach to several learning challenges in phonology. In Asatryan, M., Song, Y., and Whitmal, A. (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 50, volume 1, pages 73–86.
(2020) (with Ezer Rasin). A Conditional Learnability Argument for Constraints on Underlying Representations. Journal of Linguistics, 56:4, pp. 745–773.
(2020) (with Nur Lan and Noa Peled) A note on the representation and learning of quantificational determiners. In Franke, M., Kompa, N., Liu, M., Mueller, J. L., and Schwab, J. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, volume 1, pages 392–410.
(2019) (with Ezer Rasin and Nur Lan). Simultaneous Learning of Vowel Harmony and Segmentation. In Jarosz, G., Nelson, M., O'Connor, B., and Pater, J. (eds.), Proceedings of SCiL, vol. 2, pp. 353-357.
(2018) (with Ezer Rasin, Iddo Berger, and Nur Lan). Learning Phonological Optionality and Opacity from Distributional Evidence. In Hucklebridge, S. and Nelson, M. (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 48, pp. 269-282.
(2018) (with Ezer Rasin) Learning Abstract Underlying Representations from distributional evidence. In Hucklebridge, S. and Nelson, M. (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 48, pp. 283-290.
(2017) (with Asaf Bachrach) Linearizing Structures. Syntax 20:1, 1–40.
(2016) (with Ansgar Endress) Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology, and the Now-or-Never Bottleneck. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29, e71.
(2016) (with Ezer Rasin) On Evaluation Metrics in Optimality Theory. Linguistic Inquiry 47:2, 235–282. [code]
(2015) (with Ezer Rasin) Compression-based learning for OT is incompatible with Richness of the Base. In Thuy Bui and Deniz Özyıldız (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 45, vol. 2, pp. 267–274.
(2015) (Raj Singh. 2015). Economy of Structure and Information: Oddness, Questions, and Answers. In Csipak, E. and Zeijlstra, H. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 19, pp. 302-319.
(2014) A Cognitively Plausible Model for Grammar Induction. Journal of Language Modelling 2:2, 213–248.
(2014) (with Raj Singh) Hurford Disjunctions: Embedded Exhaustification and Structural Economy. In Urtzi Etxeberria, Anamaria Fălăuş, Aritz Irurtzun, and Bryan Leferman (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 18, pp. 201–216.
(2014) (with Tal Siloni) Definiteness and Agreement in Germanic DPs. In Alex Grosu, Anna Bondaruk, and Gréte Dalmi (eds.), Advances in the Syntax of DP’s. Structure, Agreement, and Case, John Benjamins, pp. 267–293.
(2014) On the Roles of Markedness and Contradiction in the Use of Alternatives. In Salvatore Pistoia Reda (ed.), Semantics, Pragmatics, and the Case of Scalar Implicatures, Palgrave, pp. 40–71.
(2013) A Note on Contrast. Natural Language Semantics 21:4, 333–343.
(2013) (with Raj Singh) A Note on Presupposition Accommodation. Semantics and Pragmatics 6:5, 1–16.
(2013) (with Raj Singh) Constraints on the Lexicalization of Logical Operators. Linguistics & Philosophy 36:1, 1–29.
(2012) (with Raj Singh) Two Restrictions on Possible Connectives. In Thomas Graf, Denis Paperno, Anna Szabolcsi, and Jos Tellings (eds.), Theories of Everything, UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. 154–162.
(2011) (with Danny Fox) On the Characterization of Alternatives. Natural Language Semantics 19:1, pp. 87–107.
(2011) Morpho-Semantic Mismatches, Structural Economy, and Licensing. Linguistic Inquiry 42:1, pp. 45–82.
(2009) (with Asaf Bachrach) Right-Node Raising and Delayed Spellout. In K. Grohmann (ed.), InterPhases: Phase-Theoretic Investigations of Linguistic Interfaces. Oxford University Press, pp. 283--316.
(2007) Structurally-Defined Alternatives. Linguistics & Philosophy 30:6, pp. 669–690.
(2007) (with Asaf Bachrach) Spelling out QR. In E. Puig-Waldmueller (ed.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 11, pp. 63–75.