Dr. Sezen Unluonen

Department of English and American Studies
חוג לספרות אנגלית ולימודים אמריקניים סגל אקדמי בכיר
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I’m a lecturer at the Department of English Literature and American Studies.  My research interests include Anglo-Ottoman encounters in the nineteenth century, colonialism and the empire, the novel and theories of art. My research has been supported by Villa I Tatti, the Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, and the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies.


Currently, I am working on a monograph, which constitutes the first book-length study of how Ottoman literary sources depicted British colonies and British colonialism in the nineteenth century.


In a different life, I am also the author of three novels in Turkish (Kıymetli Şeylerin Tanzimi [2017], İmtiyaz, yahut Cici Kızlara Bir Roman [2021] and Cennetteki İlk Günüm Bir Tık Daha İyi Olabilirdi [2024]), and I write about pop culture, contemporary art and literature for Turkish venues.


During the 2024-2025 academic year, I will be a Fung Global Fellow at Princeton University.





2022               Harvard University, Department of English, Ph.D.   


2020               Yale University, Department of English, IvyPlus Exchange Scholar


2013               Harvard University, Department of English, B.A.



2023           “Ottoman Empire.” Victorian Literature and Culture, vol. 51, no. 3, 2023, pp. 471–474.


“Rethinking the nineteenth-century museum via the Ottoman imperial museum.” Literature Compass, e12710, vol. 22, no. 1-3,

 2023. https://doi.org/10.1111/lic3.12710


2022            “Medieval artwork contra Renaissance artwork in nineteenth-century Britain: Ruskin, Morris, James.” Nineteenth-Century Contexts,

 vol. 44 no. 3, 2022.


“Forgetting Greekness in Romola.George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies, vol. 74, no. 1, 2022.



Book Chapters (in Turkish)


2023            “Shaking off Womanhood and Jo March.” Hafif Kahramanlar. eds. Aksu Bora and Emel Uzun Avcı. İletişim Publishing.


 “The Missing Parents of Ethos.” in Evdeki Zürafa: "Bir Başka" Tahayyülde Aynılık, Fark ve Memleket Nostaljisi, ed. Hüseyin

  Köse, İthaki Publishing.


2022            “Introduction.” In Madame de La Fayette, Clèves Prensesi, Telemak Publishing.


2020            “Boring, Interesting, Not to My Taste: Aesthetic Categories of Turkey.” In Sıkıntı Var: Sıkıntı Kavramı Üzerine Denemeler, ed.

 Aylin Kuryel, Iletisim Publishing.

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