Prof. Roni Stauber

Prof. Roni Stauber

Role: Director of the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center
          Director of the Diploma Program in Archival and Information Science




Scope of Research: 

Holocaust Memory; Formation of Holocaust Consciousness in Israel and around the World; Israeli-German Relations


Academic Background:

Associate Professor, Department of Jewish History, Tel Aviv University
Director of the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center
Director of the Diploma Program in Archival and Information Science
Member of Yad Vashem Academic Committee
2012-2021 Academic Head of the Wiener Library for the Nazi Era and the Holocaust 


Ph.D. Jewish History, Tel Aviv University
Title: The "Jewish Response" during the Holocaust as Reflected in Israeli Public Thought in the 1950s

M.A. (cum laude) Jewish History, Tel Aviv University
Title: The Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest (January 1943 – March 1944)

B.A. General History and Jewish History, Tel Aviv University


Selected Publications


Lesson for This Generation, Jerusalem, 2000, 348 pp. (Hebrew)


The Holocaust in Israeli Public Debate in the 1950s: Ideology and Memory, Vallentine Mitchell, London and Portland, OR, 2007, 256 pp.


Laying the Foundations for Holocaust Research: The Impact of the Historian Philip Friedman, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2009, 80 pp.


Soon to be Published:

Diplomacy in the Shadow of the Holocaust: Israel and West Germany 1953-1965, Yad Vashem and the Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2021, 700 pp. (Hebrew)



The Political Debate over the Kasztner Trial, Hazionut, 1988, pp. 219-246 (Hebrew)


The Rescue Committee and the Zionist Leadership on the Eve of the German Occupation, Hazionut, 1992, pp. 167-191 (Hebrew)


Transfer of Information Concerning the Liquidation of European Jewry from Budapest to the Yishuv Delegation in Istanbul, Yahadut Z’emanenu, 1993, pp. 135-150 (Hebrew)


Confronting the ‘Jewish Response’ during the Holocaust: Yad Vashem – A Commemorative and a Research Institute in the 1950s, Modern Judaism, vol 20, no 3, (October 2000), pp. 277-298


Between Real Politik and the Burden of the Past: Israel's Diplomats and the 'Other Germany', Israel's Studies, vol 8, no 3, (Fall 2003), pp. 100-123


Philip Friedman’s Impact on Holocaust Studies, Galed, 21, 2007, pp. 77-114 (Hebrew)


The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Debate over the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations with Germany 1953–1955, Yad Vashem Studies, 37, 2009, pp. 153-195


The Debate over the Mission of Yad Vashem as a Research Institute: The First Years, Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts 11 (2012), pp. 347-366


Israel’s Quest for Diplomatic Relations – The German-Israeli Controversy, 1955-1956, Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 41 (2013), pp. 218-215


The Impact of the Sinai Campaign on Relations between Israel and West Germany, Modern Judaism,  2013, 33: pp. 235-259


Zwischen Erinnerungspolitik und Realpolitik: die israelische Diplomatie und das Verhältnis der Bundesrepublik zum Nationalsozialismus, Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts 15 (2016), pp. 419-444


The 1950s Debate between Religious Zionism and the Zionist Left about the Holocaust Memorial Day, Israel Society in the First Decade, Ed. Anita Shapira, pp. 189-203 (Hebrew)


Roni Stauber and Raphael Vago, "The Politics of Memory – Jews and Roma. Commemorate their persecution", in R. Stauber and R. Vago (Eds.), The Roma – A Minority in Europe Historical, Political and Social Perspectives, Central European University Press, Budapest - New York, 2007, pp. 117-133


The Impact of the Eichmann Trial on Relations between Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany, The Eichmann Trial, (Ed. R. Wittmann), Toronto University Press, Toronto, 2020, 16 pp.



R. Stauber and R. Vago (Eds.), The Roma – A Minority in Europe Historical, Political and Social Perspectives, Central European University Press, Budapest - New  York, 2007, pp. 200


Collaborations with the Nazis – Collective Memory and Public Discourse, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, 2011, pp. 304


Holocaust and Antisemitism Research and Public Discourse: Essays Presented in Honor of Dina Porat, 2015

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