Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures

Study the Archaeology of Ancient Israel at Tel Aviv University
Study the Archaeology of Ancient Israel at Tel Aviv University
Join other students from across the world for a unique international experience
Join other students from across the world for a unique international experience
Learn, visit and dig in some of the most exciting excavation sites Israel has to offer
Learn, visit and dig in some of the most exciting excavation sites Israel has to offer
Live and study in Tel Aviv – the Mediterranean city that never sleeps
Live and study in Tel Aviv – the Mediterranean city that never sleeps
Study the Archaeology of the Land of the Bible IN the Land of the Bible at Tel Aviv University
Study the Archaeology of the Land of the Bible IN the Land of the Bible at Tel Aviv University
Learn how to reconstruct the past and acquire professional Archaeological skills
Learn how to reconstruct the past and acquire professional Archaeological skills
Join other students from across the world for a unique international experience
Join other students from across the world for a unique international experience
Learn, visit and dig in some of the most exciting excavation sites Israel has to offer
Learn, visit and dig in some of the most exciting excavation sites Israel has to offer
Live and study in Tel Aviv – the Mediterranean city that never sleeps
Live and study in Tel Aviv – the Mediterranean city that never sleeps


Archaeology in a Minute (and 12 Seconds)

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