Post-doctoral Scholarships and Fellows

Post-Doctoral Scholarship – The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies and Archaeology – 2019

The scholarship is intended for candidates who have received a doctoral degree from a recognized institution of higher education no earlier than October 1st, 2013 and no later than Oct. 1st, 2018. Recipients of PhD degrees from Tel Aviv University are not eligible for this scholarship.

Calls for Proposals for the Faculty's Post-Doctoral Scholarship, 2018-2019


Pease note that candidates are selected based on two primary criteria: (a) proven academic quality; (b) a clear working plan for integration of the candidate in a faculty member's current project, under the latter’s supervision, and/or in a research student's project, and/or in one of the School's activities for the relevant academic year.


The winner of the scholarship for 2019 is: Dr. Ohad Abudraham.

Dr. Abudraham studies Mandaic grammar and holds a PhD from Ben-Gurion University. He is a Ben Yehuda fellow at the Hebrew University's Department of Hebrew Language, and will conduct his post-doctoral research under the guidance of Prof. Moshe Morgenstern.  


General University Post-Doctoral Scholarships

The purpose of advanced post-doctoral studies is to enable young researchers, who are eligible for a doctoral degree from other academic institutions, to undertake advanced academic studies with an established research group, or in an established field of research, under the mentorship of a senior faculty member.



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