
Vol 28: Essays in Folklore and Jewish Studies in Honor of Professor Eli Yassif
Vol 28: Essays in Folklore and Jewish Studies in Honor of Professor Eli Yassif


"Te‘uda" is a prestigious academic journal that publishes articles on a broad range of topics in Jewish Studies. Its editors and authors are leading scholars in their fields and each article receives meticulous peer review.

The journal is recognized by the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC) of Israel’s Council of Higher Education.

Most volumes of Te‘uda are devoted to specific topics, for example, studies of the Cairo Geniza, Bible, talmudic literature, Hebrew and Arabic, aggadic midrashim, the Jewish Diaspora in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, medieval Hebrew literature, Zohar, the canon and Holy Scriptures, Israel and the Diaspora in the Second Temple and the Mishnaic periods, myth, ritual and mysticism, and Modern Hebrew.

Over the years, the authors and editors of the journal have included winners of the Israel Prize, as well as senior scholars in Israel and abroad, such as Professors Yaakov Sussmann, Mordechai Akiva Friedman, Moshe Idel, Yair Hoffman, Aron Dotan, Abraham Tal, Aharon Oppenheimer, Benjamin Isaac, and Sara Klein-Braslavy. The current generation includes Gideon Bohak, Menachem Lorberbaum, Ronit Meroz, Adam Afterman, Ishay Rosen-Zvi, and Israel Knohl, among others.


The following list of  Te‘uda volumes is arranged in chronological order:



Vol 33: 

Year: In preparation



Vol 30: Poetic Structure, Cognitive Processes and Literary Intuition. Studies Presented to Prof. Reuven Tsur

Year: 2019


Vol 31: From the Disciples of Aharon. Studies in Tannaitic Literature and its Origins in Memory of Aharon Shemesh

Year: In preparation


Vol 32: Maimonides, New Perspectives

Year: In preparation


Vol 27: Studies in Spoken Hebrew

Year: 2016


Vol 28: Essays in Folklore and Jewish Studies in Honor of Professor Eli Yassif

Year: 2017


Vol 29: Studies in the History of the Jews in Muslim Countries in Memory of Moshe Gil

Year: 2018


Vol 24: New Faces and Directions in Contemporary Jewish Studies

Year: 2011


Vol 25: Israel and the Diaspora in the Time of the Second Temple and the Mishna: Aryeh Kasher Memorial Volume

Year: 2012


Vol 26: Myth, Ritual and Mysticism: Studies in Honor of Professor Ithamar Gruenwald

Year: 2014


Vol 20: Historiosophy and the Science of Judaism

Year: 2005


Vol 21 - 22: New Developments in Zohar Studies

Year: 2007


Vol 23: Canon and Holy Scriptures

Year: 2009


Vol 16 - 17: Studies in Judaica

Year: 2001


Vol 18: Speaking Hebrew

Year: 2002


Vol 19: Studies in Hebrew Literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Year: 2002


Vol 13: Marriage and Family in Halakha and Jewish Thought

Year: 1997


Vol 14: Encounters in Medieval Judeo-Arabic Culture

Year: 1998


Vol 15: A Century of Geniza Research

Year: 1999


Vol 10: Studies in Judaica

Year: 1996


Vol 11: Studies in Aggadic Midrashim

Year: 1996


Vol 12: Studies in the Jewish Diaspora in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods

Year: 1996


Vol 7: Studies in Judaica

Year: 1991


Vol 8: Studies in the Work of Abraham Ibn Ezra

Year: 1992


Vol 9: Studies in Hebrew Language

Year: 1995


Vol 4: Studies in Judaica

Year: 1986


Vol 5Studies in Hebrew Literature

Year: 1986


Vol 6: Studies in Hebrew and Arabic

Year: 1988


Vol 1: Cairo Geniza Studies

Year: 1980


Vol 2: Bible Studies

Year: 1982


Vol 3: Studies in Talmudic Literature in Post-Biblical Hebrew and in Biblical Exegesis

Year: 1983







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