School Committees

The Research Students Committee

Chair: Prof. Michele Kahan

Committee Members: Prof. Milette Shamir, Prof. Naser Basal, Dr. Kineret Lahad, Prof. Yeshayahu Shen, Prof. Julia Horvath, Prof. Galili Shachar

The Research Students Committee handles the School’s research students, confirming their registration, supervision, research proposals and doctoral dissertations. The Research Committee’s decisions are subject to the approval of the University Committee for Research Students. The Committee is appointed by the Humanities Faculty Council. The chairperson of the Committee is usually the head of the School of Cultural Studies.


Scholarships Committee


Committee Members: Prof. Michele Kahan, Prof. Mahmud Genaim, Prof. Shirley Sharon-Zisser, Prof. Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz, Dr. Uri Cohen

The Scholarship Committee oversees the allocation of scholarships from funds available to the School to the School’s students. The Committee is appointed by the head of the School of Cultural Studies.


The Teaching Committee of the School of Cultural Studies

Committee Members: Prof. Michele Kahan (chair), Prof. Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz, Prof. Rakefet Sela-Shefi, Prof. Iris Milner, Prof. Yael Dar, Dr. Smadar Shifman, Dr. Noam Reisner, Prof. Uria Shavit.


Financial Committee:


Committee Members: Prof. Michele Kahan, Dr. Smadar Shifman, Dr. Noam Reisner

The Financial Committee is responsible for the allotment of funds from the School’s budget to the academic activities of groups associated with the School and its research students. The Committee members are appointed by the head of the School of Cultural Studies.



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