Doctoral Studies

Information for applicants with a master's degree from a university abroad


Candidates with a Master's Degree should verify that they meet the required grades for Ph.D. studies. The first step is to consider evaluating certificates.

Please send your Academic transcripts to the Evaluator and Adviser for Foreign Students Mrs. Galina Ravson:

If  the certificates of previous studies, are approvd by the Evaluator,  the grades required are 85 and above - a Masters thesis grade of 85 and above and a comulative grade of 85 and above.

The next step is to find a research supervisor who will agree to instruct the candidate during the process of writing the research paper.

The Israeli system follows the European one, where one works under the supervision of a senior faculty member, irrespective of her or his affiliation, and is normally  requested to participate only in a few courses.

In order to become a PhD student the candidate must therefore get the consent of a senior faculty member to serve as supervisor
Getting the consent of a prospective supervisor is, however, not a simple matter. In order for anyone to accept the candidate as a student, it is necessary for her or him to know more about the candidate and understand in greater detail the directions, perspectives, and goals of the proposed reseach.

I therefore suggest that you search the various units' websites and try to find faculty members who could be your supervisors. I then suggest you draft a one-page long research proposal + a one page CV, and send these to faculty members you find suitable for your goals.


Your future research topic should be affiliated to one of the following disciplines: General literature, Hebrew literature, English literature, French language, French literature, Arabic literature, Gender Studies, Classical studies, Studies in the context of cultural research or research on child and youth culture.


To sum up requirements:


1. Certificates must be evaluated

2.The grade point average should be 85 or higher

3.Candidates must find a supervisor who is a senior lecturer

4.The research topic should be in one of the areas listed above.




Guidelines and Regulations: Doctoral Studies


University Guidelines for Research Students


Guidelines of the Research Students Committee of the School of Cultural Studies


Guidelines for Submitting a Research Proposal


Guidelines for Submitting a Doctoral Dissertation 


Departmental Guidelines for Doctorate Fast Track at the School of Cultural Studies


Format for Doctorate Project Cover Pages




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