Faculty Guidelines for MA Students


We’d like to bring some important University rules to your attention in order to ensure proper conditions during your studies:

  1. The university-wide deadline for submitting seminar papers in the first semester is Sunday, May 5 2019. In the second semester the date is September 22 2019. You can find guidelines for writing referat and seminar papers in the Yedion. No extensions will be provided, save for extreme circumstances.


  1. The following link will lead you to a file containing ethical and disciplinary guidelines for students writing academic papers: https://acad-sec.tau.ac.il/academic-paper


  1. For language studies that are not included in the quota of credits for the degree, students registered to these courses must achieve a passing grade. Students who do not cancel their registration to the designated course (during Change Week) and/or fails the course – will be charged for the course per the rate specified in tuition protocols.


  1. The following files contain university guidelines for the coming year regarding considerations for students returning from reserve duty or pregnant/post-birth students.


  1. As exam periods are approaching, we wish to remind our student body that pregnant students are entitled to 15-minute extensions for every exam hour, and are authorized to use the restroom facilities at any point during the exam. The relevant medical documents must be delivered to meitalab@tauex.tau.ac.il.


  1. Teaching Committee decisions (school-wide and/or faculty-wide) regarding personal requests from students regarding their studies will appear in the “Personal Information for Students” section of the university website.


Request form for the School Teaching Committee

Please stay informed regarding replies on the aforementioned site. If you do not see a response to your request up to two weeks after submission, please contact the department secretary and check the status of your request.

Attention! We must emphasize that a Bachelor’s Degree spans three years and a Master’s Degree spans two. Students who exceed the allotted time, whether they have not yet completed the required quota of hours or have submitted their final assignment for the degree in the subsequent academic year, will be required to pay a fee per university bylaws.

We wish you all a successful school year,

Secretary of the Faculty of Humanities

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