
Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte (Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History)

Each volume of the Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History is devoted to a specific theme in modern German history, mostly from the 19th century to the present, which is addressed from a variety of perspectives. Hence the Yearbook publishes original contributions not only by historians, but also by scholars from other disciplines. Authors include distinguished researchers from Israel, Germany and other countries. In addition, every effort is made to ensure that the Yearbook also serves as a platform for young scholars. Although most of the articles are in German, each issue also contains contributions in English.

Editor-in-Chief         Professor Galili Shahar
Managing Editor      Ursula Kömen


Recent Edition:


Previous Editions:

All publications (including those which appeared between 1987 and 2000 at Bleicher Verlag) can be ordered via Wallstein Verlag.




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