The meetings are at 4:15pm in Webb 103 (unless otherwise announced) •
• Refreshments are served after the lecture at Webb 401
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School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Science Studies Spring 2025 |
20.3 |
preparatory class |
27.3 |
Martha McGinnis University of Victoria |
Syntactic variation in morphological reflexives as split intransitivity; read more |
3.4 |
Inbal Kupperwasser Tel Aviv University |
Language in social context: the effect of intergroup relations on pragmatic processing |
10.4 |
(Passover vacation) | |
17.4 |
(Passover vacation) | |
24.4 | preparatory class | |
8.5 |
Ariel Cohen Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Irrealis is not asserted to be real: Evidence from Biblical Hebrew; read more |
15.5 |
Luka Crnič The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
22.5 |
Mandy Cartner Tel Aviv University |
5.6 |
Matan Abudy Tel Aviv University |
12.6 |
Evyatar Cohen Tel Aviv University |
19.6 |
Imry Ziv Tel Aviv University |
26.6 |
Aviv Azar Tel Aviv University |
School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Science Studies Fall 2025 |
7.11 | Graduate Students Meeting | |
14.11 |
preparatory class |
13.6 |
Tom Dolev Tel Aviv University |
Making Sense of Idioms: Decomposability and Syntactic Flexibility in Hebrew Idiomatic Phrases; read more |
28.11 |
preparatory class |
5.12 |
Roni Katzir Tel Aviv University |
Large Language Models and human linguistic cognition; read more ; recording |
12.12 |
preparatory class |
19.12 |
Laszlo Hunyadi University of Debrecen |
Cognitive grouping: key to Tiberian Hebrew intonation; read more ; recording |
26.12 |
preparatory class |
2.1 |
Lior Laks Bar Ilan University |
When morphology fails, syntax prevails: Competition between morphological and periphrastic structures in Hebrew; read more |
9.1 |
preparatory class |
16.1 | preparatory class | |
23.1 |
Omri Doron MIT |
30.1 |
Aya Meltzer-Asscher Tel Aviv University |
Sentence processing in noisy and dynamic environments; read more |
School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Science Studies Spring 2024 |
30.5 |
Mitya Privoznov Göttingen University |
The syntax of presupposition projection; read more ; recording |
6.6 |
Jochen Trommer Leipzig University |
How many strata? read more ; recording |
13.6 |
Vera Rusyanov Tel Aviv University |
The Role of Frequency in Phonological Cliticization; read more |
27.6 |
Canceled | |
4.7 |
Aviya Hacohen Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Against the masses: Experimental evidence for non-uniform noun semantics in a classifier language; read more ; recording |
11.7 |
Maria Esipova Bar-Ilan University |
Lend me your ears? read more |
18.7 |
Idan Landau Tel Aviv University |
Argument Ellipsis: findings and puzzles; read more |
25.7 |
Dani Rodov Tel Aviv University |
Exploring the balance between economy and restrictiveness in grammar learning; read more |
1.8 | Canceled |
School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Science Studies Fall 2023-4 |
4.1 |
Meeting: Graduate Students |
11.1 |
Maayan Keshev The Hebrew University |
Memory mechanisms for linguistic structure building; read more |
18.1 |
Émile Enguehard University of Amsterdam |
Towards a pragmatic explanation for the prevalence of upward-monotonic operators in natural language; read more |
25.1 |
Si Berebi Tel Aviv University |
Stress-epenthesis opacity in Judeo-Baghdadi Arabic; read more |
1.2 |
Elise Newman University of Edinburgh |
When wh-phrases are their own interveners; read more ; recording |
8.2 |
Jim Wood Yale University |
Coordination of Verbs in Icelandic; read more |
15.2 |
Asia Pietraszko University of Rochester |
Operational opacity at the clausal middlefield; read more ; handout ; recording |
22.2 |
Ido Benbaji MIT |
Specific-opaque readings and the temporal interpretation of noun phrases; read more; handout |
29.2 |
Eduard Kishenevsky Tel Aviv University |
The missing V2 illusion in Hebrew;
7.3 |
Omri Amiraz The Hebrew University |
Two Types of Indirect Scalar Inferences |
14.3 |
Dorit Abusch Cornell University |
School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Science Studies Spring 2023 |
16.3 |
Ezer Rasin (joint work with Alma Frischoff) Tel Aviv University |
Canceled; On the absence of crucially-simultaneous phonological interactions in natural language |
23.3 |
Alex Grosu Tel Aviv University |
Canceled; A Fresh look at transparent free relatives; read more; handout |
30.3 |
Shirly Orr Tel Aviv University |
Scales and Inferences; read more; handout |
20.4 |
Keny Chatain Institut Jean Nicod |
Reducing Pronoun Accessibility To Presupposition Satisfaction; read more; slides |
27.4 |
Georgios Vardakis University of Padua and Tel Aviv University |
The documentation and the syntax of Corfioto; read more |
4.5 |
Andrea Beltrama University of Pennsylvania |
Navigating imprecision: how comprehenders integrate social information in pragmatic reasoning; read more |
11.5 |
Gillian Ramchand University of Tromsø |
Events in Time: On the Difference Between Endpoint and Telos; read more; slides |
18.5 |
Galit Agmon Upenn |
Spontaneous speech: Semi-controlled linguistic stimuli in the healthy brain and in neurodegeneration; read more |
8.6 |
Nofar Rimon Tel Aviv University |
Subject to Change: Agreement Patterns with Unaccusatives; read more |
15.6 |
Eyal Marco Tel Aviv University |
Phonological derivations are not harmonically improving: Evidence from Nazarene Arabic; read more |
22.6 |
Mats Rooth Cornell University |
Semantic ellipsis after all?; read more; handout |
29.6 |
Alma Frischoff Tel Aviv University |
Conjunctive Readings of Disjunction and Iterated Rationality Models; read more |
School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Science Studies Fall 2022 |
27.10 |
Meeting: Graduate Students |
3.11 |
Idan Keissar Tel Aviv University |
Gender agreement attraction in Hebrew comprehension; read more |
10.11 |
Milica Denić Tel Aviv University |
Languages optimize the trade-off between lexicon size and average utterance length: A case study of numeral systems; read more |
17.11 |
Chris Tancredi Keio University |
The syntax and semantics of Japanese internally- and doubly-headed relatives (joint work with Alex Grosu and Koji Hoshi) read more; handout; slides |
24.11 |
Paloma Jeretič ZAS, Berlin |
Force and flavor of derived modals: Lessons from an existential construction in Ecuadorian Siona; read more |
1.12 |
Athulya Aravind MIT |
Alternatives in word learning; read more |
8.12 |
Kenyon Branan Universität Göttingen |
Situational Transparency; read more; handout; |
15.12 |
Malka Rappaport-Hovav The Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
Variable agentivity: between polysemy and underspecification; read more |
22.12 |
Adam McCollum Rutgers |
Input- and output-oriented generalizations in Iny ATR harmony; read more |
29.12 |
Bruno Nicenboim Tilburg University |
Revising the linking hypothesis between reading times and processing difficulty using a computational model of reading; read more |
5.1 |
Moshe Bar-Lev and Roni Katzir Tel Aviv University |
Positivity, (anti-)exhaustivity and stability; read more |
12.1 |
Mandy Cartner Tel Aviv University |
Units of Intra-sentential Code-Switching and the Modularity of the Language Faculty; read more |
19.1 |
Naama Gidron Tel Aviv University |
Similarity-based interference impairs comprehension: The case of Animacy; read more |