Monograph Series

Executive Editors: Oded Lipschits and Oren Tal


Editorial Advisory Board: Ella Assaf Shpayer, Erez Ben-Yosef, Yuval Gadot, Ido Koch, Dafna Langgut, Lidar Sapir-Hen and Guy D. Stiebel


Managing Editor: Tsipi Kuper-Blau


Graphic Design: Nurit Rozenfeld


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All Prices are in NIS. 

The “Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University” is a platform mainly for the publication of final reports on excavations conducted by the Institute, shedding light on the history of ancient Israel and on biblical times. Volumes present the excavations of central sites, including Aphek-Antipatris, Apollonia-Arsuf, Beersheba, Beth-Shemesh, Lachish, Megiddo, Ramat Raḥel, Shiloh, Tel Malḥata, Tel Michal and many others. These final reports present the stratigraphy and finds of the excavations and offer the results of auxiliary scientific studies. Past volumes of the series have also included thematic studies, which offered innovative approaches, multi-disciplinary in nature. The series thus serves as a forum for dissemination of knowledge to the public and the scholarly community and may serve as a tool for research by future generations of scholars. The “Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University” is co-published with Eisenbrauns, an imprint of Penn State University Press.


Monograph Series No. 42



The Ze'ev Meshel Excavations (1974–1980)

The Iron I “Fortress” and the Early Islamic Settlement


Lily Singer-Avitz and Etan Ayalon




400 NIS


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ISBN 978-965-266-070-1

396 pages

B&W and color illustrations

21.5 × 28 cm

Monograph Series No. 41

Megiddo VI: The 2010–2014 Seasons


Editors: Israel Finkelstein and Mario A.S. Martin


Authors: Israel Finkelstein, Mario A.S. Martin, Matthew J. Adams, Eran Arie and Assaf Kleiman




1000 NIS


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ISBN 9781646021659 (set)

1895 pages

B&W and color illustrations

21.5 × 28 cm

Three volumes

Monograph Series No. 40

Ramat Raḥel VI: The Renewed Excavations by the Tel Aviv–Heidelberg Expedition (2005–2010): The Babylonian-Persian Pit


Oded Lipschits, Liora Freud, Manfred Oeming and Yuval Gadot




300 NIS


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ISBN: 978-1-64602-113-0

160 pages

B&W illustrations

21.5 X  28cm

Monograph Series No. 39

Ramat Rahel IV: The Renewed Excavations by the Tel Aviv–Heidelberg Expedition (2005–2010): Stratigraphy and Architecture


Oded Lipschits, Manfred Oeming and Yuval Gadot




400 NIS 


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ISBN: 978-1-57506-748-3

536  pages

B&W illustrations

21.5 X  28cm

Monograph Series No. 38

Apollonia-Arsuf: Final Report of the Excavations, Volume II


Oren Tal




400 NIS


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ISBN: 978-1-57506-747-6

432  pages

Color illustrations

21.5 X 28cm

Monograph Series No. 37

Mining for Ancient Copper: Essays in Memory of Beno Rothenberg


Erez Ben-Yosef




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ISBN: 9781575069647 

Monograph Series No. 36

Jacob Kaplan’s Excavations of Protohistoric Sites 1950s–1980s


Avi Gopher, Ram Gophna, Ruth Eyal and Yitzhak Paz




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ISBN: 9789652660626

Two volumes

Monograph Series No. 35

Ramat Raḥel III: Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni’s Excavations (1954, 1959–1962)


Oded Lipschits, Yuval Gadot and Liora Freud




300 NIS 


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ISBN: 9781575064888

Two volumes

Monograph Series No. 34

Tel Beth-Shemesh: A Border Community in Judah. Renewed Excavations 1990–2000: The Iron Age


Shlomo Bunimovitz and Zvi Lederman




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ISBN: 97815750640512

Two volumes

Monograph Series No. 33

Beer-Sheva III: The Early Iron IIA Enclosed Settlement and the Late Iron IIA– Iron IIB Cities


Ze’ev Herzog and Lily Singer-Avitz




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ISBN: 9781575064390

Three volumes

Monograph Series No. 32

Tel Malḥata: A Central City in the Biblical Negev


Itzhaq Beit-Arieh and Liora Freud




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ISBN: 9781575062938

Two volumes

Monograph Series No. 31

Megiddo V: The 2004–2008 Seasons


Editors: Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin and Eric H. Cline




350 NIS


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ISBN: 9781575062730

Three volumes

Monograph Series No. 30

Ḥorvat Meṣad: A Way-Station on the Jaffa–Jerusalem Road


Moshe Fischer




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ISBN: 9879652660336 

Monograph Series No. 29

Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel: Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Naḥal Zehora


Avi Gopher




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ISBN: 9789652660329

Three volumes

Monograph Series No. 28

ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis – Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday


Editor: Itamar Singer




350 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 9652660264

Monograph Series No. 27

Aphek-Antipatris II: The Remains on the Acropolis: The Moshe Kochavi and Pirhiya Beck Excavations


Yuval Gadot and Esther Yadin




80 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 9652660256

Monograph Series No. 26

Timber in Ancient Israel: Dendroarchaeology and Dendrochronology


Nili Liphschitz




80 NIS

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ISBN: 9652660248

Monograph Series No. 25

Ḥorvat ‘Uza and Ḥorvat Radum: Two Fortresses in the Biblical Negev 


Itzhaq Beit-Arieh




80 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 96266023x

Monograph Series No. 24

Megiddo IV: The 1998–2002 Seasons


Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin and Baruch Halpern




80 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 9652660221

Two volumes

Monograph Series No. 23

Inscribed in Clay: Provenance Study of the Amarna Tablets and Other Ancient Near Eastern Texts


Yuval Goren, Israel Finkelstein and Nadav Na’aman




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ISBN: 9652660205

Monograph Series No. 22

The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973–1994)


David Ussishkin




200 NIS

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ISBN: 9655266017

5 volumes 

Monograph Series No. 21

Archaeology of Sinai: The Ophir Expedition


Itzhaq Beit Arieh




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ISBN: 9652660183

Monograph Series No. 20

Tel Kabri: The 1986–1993 Excavation Seasons 

Author: Aharon Kempinski


Editors: Na'ama Scheftelowitz and Ronit Oren




80 NIS

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ISBN: 9652660159

Monograph Series No. 19

Aphek-Antipatris I: Excavation of Areas A and B. The 1972–1976 Seasons


Editors: Moshe Kochavi, Pirhiyah Beck and Esther Yadin




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ISBN: 9652660140

Monograph Series No. 18

Megiddo III: The 1992–1996 Seasons


Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin and Baruch Halpern




80 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 9652660132

Two volumes 

Monograph Series No. 17

Ethnoarchaeology of Anatolia: Rural Socio-Economy in the Bronze and Iron Ages


Jak Yakar




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ISBN: 9652660116

Monograph Series No. 16

Apollonia-Arsuf: Final Report of the Excavations, Volume I: The Persian and Hellenistic Periods


Israel Roll and Oren Tal




80 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 9652660124

Monograph Series No. 15

Tel ꜥIra: A Stronghold in the Biblical Negev


Itzhaq Beit-Arieh




80 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 9654400081

Monograph Series No. 14

Highlands of Many Cultures: The Southern Samaria Survey; The sites


Israel Finkelstein, Zvi Lederman and Shlomo Bunimovitz




80 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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ISBN: 9654400073

Two volumes

Monograph Series No. 13

Archaeology of the City: Urban Planning in Ancient Israel and Its Social Implications


Ze’ev Herzog




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ISBN: 9654400065

Monograph Series No. 12

The Naḥal Qanah Cave: Earliest Gold in the Southern Levant


Avi Gopher and Tsvika Tsuk




60 NIS

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ISBN: 9654400057

Monograph Series No. 11

Ḥorvat Qitmit: An Edomite Shrine in the Biblical Negev


Itzhaq Beit-Arieh




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ISBN: 9654400049

Monograph Series No. 10

Shiloh: The Archaeology of a Biblical Site


Israel Finkelstein, Shlomo Bunimovitz and Zvi Lederman




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ISBN: 9654400004

Monograph Series No. 9

Prehistoric Anatolia: The Neolithic Transformation and the Early Chalcolithic Period


Jak Yakar




60 NIS

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ISBN: 9654400006

Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 8

Excavations at Tel Michal, Israel


Ze’ev Herzog, George Rapp, Jr. and Ora Negbi




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ISBN: 0816616221

Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 7

Beer-Sheba II: The Early Iron Age Settlements


Ze’ev Herzog




60 NIS
Open access (PDF)

Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 6

The Conquest of Lachish by Sennacherib


David Ussishkin




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ISBN: 9652660019

Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 5

Canaanite Gods in Metal: An Archaeological Study of Ancient Syro-Palestinian Figurines


Ora Negbi




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Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 4

Investigations at Lachish: The Sanctuary and the Residency (Lachish V)


Yohanan Aharoni




60 NIS

Open access (PDF)

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ISBN: 0914594028

Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 3

Tirat-Carmel: A Mousterian Open-Air Site in Israel


Avraham Ronen




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Publications of the Institute of Archaeology No. 2

Excavations at Tel Beer-Sheba, 1969–1971 Seasons


Yohanan Aharoni




60 NIS

Open access (PDF)


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