Mission Statement
The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism undertakes academic research and provides a forum for discussion of issues related to antisemitism and racism, their history, and their social, institutional and cultural settings. The focus of the Institute is the social and political manifestations of these phenomena since the end of World War II.
To that end, the Institute:
Undertakes research projects on aspects of antisemitism and racism, adopting an interdisciplinary approach that draws on the skills and resources of various departments at TAU.
Organizes international conferences and workshops, both independently and in cooperation with academic institutions within and outside Israel.
Hosts visiting scholars and distinguished academic lecturers from outside Israel for extended periods.
Publishes an annual survey of anti-Semitic trends throughout the world in cooperation with TAU’s Kantor Center for the Study of European Jewry. The annual report is based on an authoritative database of antisemitic manifestations worldwide that is accessible through the internet.
Provides support for graduate students from a variety of faculties and departments at TAU whose research projects focus on various aspects of antisemitism or racism.
Acts as a resource center for persons interested in this subject, both within Israel and outside.