Completed MA Theses

MA Thesis:


Name of work



Prof. Michael Zakim The Invention of Depreciation and the Birth of Accounting in the Railway Era in Great Britain and United States

Eyal Osheri


Prof. Menachem Fisch

(Reasoned) World Changes: A Puzzle about the Rationality of Framework Transitions


Nevo Sheffi
Dr. Ehud Lamm

Personal and Subpersonal Levels of Explanation in Social Psychology 


Rotem Yahel
Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Research Under Criticism

Case study: the Mosuo Tribe

Arieala Shani 2021

Prof. Yossi Schwartz


The Innovation Chasm: What Determines Which Ideas Will Be Accepted? Oded Napchi

Prof. Yossi Schwartz


Debugging the Enlightenment: An Intellectual History of Wikipedia, its Citizen Encyclopedists and Digital Encyclopedism Omer Ben Jacob 

Prof. Jose Bruner

Dr. Snait Gissis

Marie Curie: The Biographic Construction of a Scientific Heroine Tuvaal Klein 2020

Prof. Itzik Ben Israel

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

The Mystery in the Essence of Technology: Heidegger's Phenomenology as an Instrument to Studying the Mutual Relations betweem Man and Technology in the Digital Age Avi Aroch

Prof. Shira Dvir Gvirtzmann

Dr. Eran Fisher

The Algorithmic Imaginary: Users' Perception of the Concept of Algorithm as General cultural Concept and the Algorithmic Subject Noa Suzanna Morag

Prof. Ruth Weintraub


Is the Thesis of Unit Correct? Mordecai Cinmann

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman


The "Depression Plague" of Our Time: A Critical Analysis Yael Bengal

Prof. Yossi Schwartz 


Augustine Teacher of the 21st Century William Farjoon

Dr. Ido Yavetz


Knowledge Migration: The Distance that Scientific Knowledge Travels between the Laboratory and the General Public David Goldman

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman


The Social Contract: Re-reading Hobbes' Leviathan Itay Shachar

Prof. Elana Arbel

Sr. Shay Frugal 

On Freedom: Foucault After Nietzsche Liraz Geva 2019

Prof. Elana Gomel


Back to the Future: Popular Internet Aesthetics Between Futuristic Visions and Nostalgic Notions Manor Gera

Dr. Ehud Lamm


Critical Analysis of Methodologies for Measuring Normative Behavior and Implications for the Cultural Evolution of Norms Yair Ben-Horin

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

The Yeckish Alternative: The Potential of the Jerusalem "Ring" to Be an Aesthetic and Interpretative Alternative to the "Tel Aviv Circle" Hegemony. Noa Kenan

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

Prof. Matteo Valleriani

The Tacuinum Sanitatis Practices of Collecting and Presenting Medical Knowledge: Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Noga Shlomi
Prof. Shaul Katzir Changes in the Concept of "Time" During the 19th Century as a Result of Developments in the Railway System

Avi Zahavi

Prof. Shaul Katzir Another "Block" in the Chain: Telecommunication Technologies Analysis in the "Baconian Program"

Yael Friedman


Prof. Yossi Schwartz Rabbi Moshe Chefetz and his Book 'Melechet Machshevet': Science, Theology and Skepticism in the Turn of the 17th and 18th Century in Venice

Ahuviya Goren


Prof. Shaul Katzir An Electrical World View: A Comparison Between the Natural Philosophy and Scientific Method of Wilhelm Webber and James Clerk Maxwell

Nitay Be'ery


Prof. Moshe Zuckerman A Dialectical World of Wonder: the 1900 World Fair

Naama Finnes


Prof. Yaron Senderowicz


Psychology and Time: A Kantian Explanatory Model for the Delusion Phenomenon  Dorit Argo
Prof. Itzik Ben-Israel Mathematical Issues and Disputes Affecting the Development of Views about the Essence of the Imaginary Number √(-1) Iris Kim Berger 2017
Dr. Ehud Lamm

Feminism and Artificial Intelligence: A Discussion on Fairness and Biases in Computational Learning from Feministic Epistemology


Irit Shterenberg Tzin

Prof. Eva jablonka

Dr. Daniel Dor

Communication Technology in the Acheulean Site Daughters of Jacob Bridge Dor Shilton

Dr. Ido Yavetz


The Poisson Question: A Scientific Discussion in the Mersenne Circle Yuval Yellin

Dr. Ido Yavetz

Dr. Matteo Valleriani

Statistical Considerations for Rethinking the Historiography of Ancient Greek Astronomy Zvi Hasnes-Beninson

Prof. Itzik Ben-Israel

A/B Metaphysics - Questions in Temporal Realism

Guy Gerstner


Prof. Rivka Feldhay

A Few Thoughts Concerning Leibniz's Odd Thought


Dikla Bytne

Dr. Ido Yavetz

Logical fallacies in scientific texts - Galileo as a case


Tomer Gal

Prof. Yossi Scwhartz

The Place of Abraham Cohen de-Herrera in Kabbalah



David Lior

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

The Dominican Order, a Marketing Project in the Thirteen Century


Ben Ami Hilzmann

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

The Power of judgment of st. Augustine-Practical Metaphysics


Hila Nevo

Dr. Ehud Lamm

A Critical Analysis of the Beatty- Milstein account of Selection and Drift

Adam Krashniak

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

Speaking the silence: Apophasis and Knowledge of God by Meister Eckhart

David Baron


Dr. Daniel Dor

The Role of Dreaming in Cognitive Evolution of Homo Species

Mati Berski

Prof. Galili Shahar

The World of the Universe

Avraham Abulafia's Theory of the Name of God As a Key to a New Reading in the Work of Jorge Luis Borges

Ronen Wodlinguer

Prof. Moshe Zukerman

The Figure of the Angel as Represented in Walter Benjamin's Late Work: "On the Concept of History"

Hagar Mor

Prof. Moshe  Zukerman

Adorno, Benjamin and the Arcades Project

Anat Messing

Prof. Moshe Zukerman

Economic Model as Symbolic Capital and Fetish: Critical Look on the Science of Economics in the Light of the 2008 Crisis

Micha Peled

Dr. Ehud Lamm

The Connection Between Symbiosis and Development in Tolerance to Gut Micro-organisms by the Innate Immune System.


Tamar Schnieder Zipory

Prof. Menachem Fisch

Two Conceptions of Rationality: Homo Economicus and Sapience

Yonatan Shaham

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Ideals and Disillusionment in Urban Planning: Why did the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Ignore the Master Plan of Z ion Hashimshoni?

Gilia Berger


Prof. Adi Ophir

Radical religious Zionism and Postmodern Discourse - Intersection

Naama Katiee

Prof. Adi Ophir

Prof. Michael Zakim

Games of Power- The Unique Function of Team Sports in Victorian Public Schools

Gideon Dishon

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Personal Contexts in Leonardo da Vinci's Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci

Noa Yaari

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Prof. Eli Fridlander

The Modern Gesture Body and Meaning in Wlter Benjamin and the Court Ballet

Daniel Matiuk

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

Aristotle's Natural Slavary Doctorine in the Ancient Times and the philosophical, theological and legal disputes regarding the measure of justice of its application on the American Natives by Colonial Spain in the Early Modern Times

Irit Neulander

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Diagrams of Devotion Building the House of Savoy in the 17th century

Hamutal Friedman

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

Towads an Infinite God" Acomparative Philosophical Study of the Use of Infinty and Eternity Regarding God, in "the Guide for the Perplexed" and Ethics"

Einav Friedman

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Representation and Ambiguity: Science Books' Frontispieces in Early Modern Europe

Dror Shaier

Prof. Moshe Zukerman

Design Collective, Cultural and Communicative , Memory, under Global and Local Pressures in the Nation-state and its Impact on Collective Identity

Roy Shechter

Prof. Yossi Mali

Aby Warburg and the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg in Hamburg

Tal Gazit


Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Contemporary Financial Accounting as a Semiological System: Elements From Saussure's Course in the U.S. Accounting Conceptual Framework

Shaul Hayoun

Prof. Menachem Lorberbaum

Dr. Ido Yavetz

The Halachic Decisions of the Chazon Ish in the Field of Electricity on Sabbath and Yom Tov and Its Consequenees

Amitay Katz

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

The Order of the Symbol: Considerations by Joseph De Maistre of the Symbolic Representation as the Main Character of the Political Life

Yigal Liverant

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

The Natural Price for Adam Smith as a Moral Basis of the Commodities Market

Earon Chen

Prof. Adi Ophir

Intelligence and Equality: On Hierarchical Difference in Thinking

Oded Zipory

Dr. Ido Yavetz

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

William Bourne, Between Theory and Practice in Historical Context

Zohar Zofnat

Prof. Hagi Kenaan

The Immemorial Art and Memory in the Writings of Jean-Luc Nancy

Rotem Rozental

Prof. Menachem Luberboim

The Political-Spatial Lexicon of Jean Luc Nancy

Liat Brix Etgar


Prof. Yossef Schwartz

Deconstructing Jaffa: Urban Demolition in Old Jaffa and Manshiya 1936-1960

Nimrod Lin

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Salomon Maimon's Concept of Number and His Criticism of Kant's Synthetic a Priori Judgments

Idit Chikurel

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Two Dualities: An Anthropology of a Mathematical Result

Stav Kaufman Raviv

Prof. Moshe Zuckermann

The Orphic Gaze-Towards a Phenomenology of Music Interpretation and Poetic Reason

Nimrod Reitman

Prof. Eyal Nave

Appointment of Justices to the United States Supreme Court: The Connection Between Control Over the Process and The Actual Conduct of Justices

Reuven Reif

Prof. Rivka Feldchay

National Defense-Mechanism in Apartmental Protected Space Dual-Purpose Practice of Domestic Emergency-Routine

Ido Tzuk


Prof. Ilana Gomel

Science Fiction as The Mythological Aspect of The Scientif Project of the 19th & 20th Century: Do Science Fiction Protagonists Can Be Considered as Mythological Characters

Nimrod Dweck


Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

The Presention of the self on the Internet in Blogs homepages forums and chat rooms

Auva Doron

Prof. Yossi Mali

Violence as Myth Myth as Violence

Zohar Zacks

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

The Monetary View in the Middle Ages : Ideology or Necessity

Amos Lasker

Prof. Eva Jablonka

The Role of Gender: Anthropology and Biology in the Victorian period

Roi Maor

Prof. Leo Corry

The Validity of Classical Logic in the Infinite

Guy Rabin

Prof. Leo Corry

Finitistic Science

Avi Turgeman

Prof. Leo Corry

Duration, Relativity and Realism: a Proposal of Realistic Interpretation of the TermDuration

Shlomo Avniel


Prof. Menachem Fisch

Induction, Probability and Learning from Experience

Noam Barkai

Prof. Leo Corry

The www a "Social" Self-organizing System

Eli Hari

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

Literature as a Shelter and Vengeance Theology and Politics in Baruch Kurtzweil's Culture Critic

Gal Hertz

Prof. Leo Corry

On Breaking the Limits of Computation and its Implication

Ofer Zinger

Prof. Leo Corry

Causal Structure in General Relativity

Itzhak Yosef

Prof. Adi Ophir

The Fold-the Riches of Nature and the Depth of Spirit

Shachar Kislev

Prof. Eva Jablonka

The Religious Ape - the Sense of Truth and the Evolution of Religiosity

Yuval Laor

Dr. Ido Yavetz

Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Perception of Islamic Science

Miriyam Abed El Rachim

Prof. Moshe Zuckermann

Making a New Jew

Efrat Harpaz

Prof. Danni Gottwein

The Neo Liberal Challenge: Aspects of Economic Politics and Theory in Israel 1968-1981

Ran Raviv

Prof. Adi Ophir

Professionalism as Critique and Resistance. Political and Moral Implications of the Alternative Spatial Planning Discourse

Ronen Ben Arieh


Prof. Rivka Feldhay

History of the Academic Reserarch on Homosexuality

Michael Beckman

Prof. Yossi Mali

Cameralism: A Historiography that Refuses to Be Sonderweg

Yair Barak

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Imitation and Change:Shakespeare's Translation, The Killing of Caesar and The Prodigal Son

Omri Hadar

Prof. Eva Jablonka

A Critical Examination of the Feminist Perspectives towards Surrogacy

Rachel Levy Hertz

Prof. Eva Jablonka

The "Selfish Gene" View in Evolutionary Theory: Analyzing its Validity and Evaluating its Alternatives

Roy Pithcon

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

The Concept of Time in Abraham Ibn Daud's Philosophical and Historical Works

Daliah Koren Noruk

Prof. Menachem Fisch

Prof. Galia Pat-Shamir

Robert Brandom and the Jewish-Buddhist Dialogue

David Rosenfled

Dr. Ido Yavetz

Prof. Miri Eliav-Feldon

The Water Supply to Toledo (Spain) in the 16th Century. Juanelo's Artifice and Failed Attempts that Preceded It

Chaim Shulman

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

The Burckhardtian Individual in the Image of the Lacanian Subject and in the work of Baldassare Castiglione

Anat Grinfeld


Prof. Adi Ophir

Dr. Yuval Yonai

Competing Economic Theories Pertaining to the Occupation

Shir Hever

Prof. Eva Jablonka

Prof. Daniel Dor

Evolutionary Explanations of the Origin of the Language Faculty

Ehud Lamm

Prof. Moshe Zuckermann

Kafka'sThe Castle’: dialectic allegory about modernity

Einav Katan

Prof. Adi Ophir

Prof. Ronen Shamir

Corporate Social Responsibility as Normative Regulation of the Market Economy

Rami Kaplan

Prof. Eva Jablonka

Perception of Genetics and Inheritance in the Science Fiction Writings of Orson Scott

Sima Raby

Prof. Yossef Schwartz

Reflective Thought in the Divine Realm and in the Human Mind in the Writings of Albert the Great

Ayelet Even Ezra


Prof. Gadi Algazi

Prof. Yehuda Shenhav

Workers and Clerks - the Class-ethnic Division of Labor in  Jerusalem of 1940s and 1950s

Rami Adut

Prof. Eva Jablonka

Childbirth, Surveillance and the Female Body: the Medicalization of Childbirth During the British Mandate (1918-1948)

Gabriela Admon Rick

Dr. Ido Yavezt

Caroline Haslett: her Life and Work Towards the Advancement of Women: Is she a Different Kind of Feminist?

Hadar Aloni

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Dr. Orly Lubin

The Emergence of the Biological Clock of the Female Reproductive System as a Mechanism for Social Regulation

Meirav Amir

Prof. Menachem Fisch

The Problem with the Time: the State of Discussion following Mctaggart

Yakov Enger

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

The Definition of Man in Marx and Aristotle

Michal Ben Tov

Prof. Adi Ophir

Matter & Obligation in the Esthatics of Jean Francois Lyotard

Alma Ben Porat

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Autonomous Civil Society Shatil Organization and the Emergence of the Civil Society Organizations Discourse in Israel

Hagai Bar

Prof. Menachem Fisch

Rethinking Solidarity

Guy Grossman

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Before and After the Gates of Zion

Irina Tachtarova

Prof. Yossef Schwartz

Dante Alighier's Though Through the Speculum of Angelology

Leon Yakubovitch Efron

Prof. Eva Jabonka

The Sociology of the Pertussis Vaccine in the USA - Forces of Oppression and Change in the Introduction of a New Vaccine

Deria Peterson

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Guilty Creatures Sitting at a Play - an Inquiry into the Drama of the Psychoanalytic Text

Yehonatan Shemer

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

A new Categorical Imperative : on Adorno's Moral Philosophy

Itai Snir

Prof. Eva Jablonka

The Teleology of Learning and the Development of Memory Systems

Ohad Nachmani

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Between Representation and Production

Eyal Aviv

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Hegel's Concept of Labor in the Writing of Marx

Eliezer Cohen

Prof. Menachem Fisch

In Therapy - a Comparative Study in the Philosophical Tales of Richard Rotry and Robert Brandom

Ram Arad

Prof. Yossef Schwartz

Hegel's Critique on Newton's Mechanics

David Gilad

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

A Proposal for Discussion on "Shorashim" Project Following the Althusserian Theory of Ideology

Orna Vaadia

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Prof. Alexander Ochilan

Bureaucracy as a Case Study in ur iii Mesopotamia (21st century b.c.) and its Matching to the Max Weber's Ideal Type of   Bureaucracy

Omri Brandstetter

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Vilfredo Pareto a Thinker of the Social a-rational

Yaron Mizrahi

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

How Scientists Share Instruments: the Limits of Social Explanations

Eran Tal

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Review and Reflection on Israeli Student strike 1998 Inquiry  into Herbert Marcuse's Cogitation

Ruby Efori

Prof. Yossef Schwartz

The Political Theology of Gershom Scholem

Schahar Ziv

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Prof. Juval Portugali

On Tiles and Titles: Standard Paving Tiles in Residential   Architecture

Shelly Cohen

Prof. Adi Ophir

Interpretation in the Works of Heidegger and Walter Benjamin

Guy Weinberger

Prof. Jose Brunner

From Individual Trauma to Cultural Trauma Terrorism & Trauma in the Israeli Newspaper 1993-2003

Sandrine Brenner


Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Was early Wittgenstein a Mystical Philosopher?

Shmuel Waller

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Prof. Irit Orbuch

The Non-verbal Language of Practice: Reception of Western Ideas in 18th Century Japan

Yulia Zolotorevski

Prof. Adi Ohpir

The Consensualist Philosophy of Adam Smith - a Historical Reading in his Ethics & Rhetoric

Adam Hofri

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

The Visual Aspect of Identity in the Israeli Illustrated  Reportage 1946-1952

Yosef Nahmias

Prof. Isaac ben Israel

On the Mind-body Problem - Without the Mind

Moran Serf

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Prof. Yuval Dror

The Ideology of the Hashomer Hatzair Movement as Expressed in the Biology Studies at the Movement's Educational       Institute During the 1930's to the 1950's

Shlomit Raz

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Prof. Ephraim Meir

Time in the "Infinite Totality" in the Work of Levinas

Ran Stieglitz

Prof. Menachem Fisch

The Debate Concerning sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: a Proposal for an Alternative Explanation

Noah Sharir

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

From Territory To Site The Spatial Dimension Of The Information Revolution

Hagit Tal


Prof. Jose Brunner

The Case Of Ellen West:Between Psychotherapy & Existentialism

Naama Akaviah

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Prof. Ron Harris

Historical Analysis Of The Estalishment Of The High Court Of Justice in Mandatory Palestine

Yair Saggiue


Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Anthropologists, Mizrahim (Oriental Jews) & The Academy In The Sixties & Seventies

Yoseph Loss

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Discussing The Harm Without Discussing It

Ariel Tzobel

Prof. Zeev Bechler

Rudolf Carnap's Space A Contribution To The Theory Of Science

Ran Cohen

Prof. Yossi Mali

Anthropological Dimensions In Isaiah Berlin's Approach To Ideas

Amir Ben-Artzi

Prof. Menachem Fisch

Shmuel Sambursky - Science Historian

Ornan Bar Or

Prof. Menachem Fisch

The Metaphysical Background To Berkeley's Analyst

Alma Yannai Shany

Prof. Sabetai Unguru

Considerations On The Legitimacy Of Motion In Greek Geometry

Sarah Polozetski

Prof. Adi Ophir

Feeling And Body In Kant's Critique Of Practical Reason & The Critique Of Judgement: A Feminist Reading

Hanna Freund-Shertok


Prof. Menachem Fisch

The Forming Of A Conception: The Case Of Restitution Of Lost Property In The Tannaitic & Amoraic Halakha

Ariel Furstenberg

Prof. Yossi Mali

King Of Desires: Blaise Pascal On Nature,Illusion And Domination

Galia Ori-Asseu

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

The Kingdom And The Net, Language And Analogy In The Galilean Science

Tzvi Ben-Saadon

Prof. Adi Ophir

Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon: A Moral Domain

Michal Givoni

Prof. Adi Ophir

A Logical Novel- Gilles Deleuze In-Between Philosophy And Literature

Ohad Zahavi

Prof. Shulamit Volkov

National Theatre In 18 Century Germany: Reading In Goethe Schiller & Kleist

Sharon Nimrod

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

The Autonomy Of The Work Of Art In The Post-Auretic Age

Daniela Rob

Prof. Adi Ophir

Between The Scientific And The Political-God,Time, And Experience In Leviathan

Arieh Krampf


Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Discourse Of Love: The Case of Savonarola

Amos Edelheit

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Nicole Oresme and the Theory of Configurations

Michael Elazar

Prof. Adi Ophir

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

An Inquiry Into The Dream Existence - A Critique Of Freud And Exposure Of The Dasein As An Oneiric Reality

Haim Deuel Luski

Prof. Yossi Mali

"He Who Thirsts For Essence Will Find Meaning"-The Vision Of Ein Harod & The Founding Of The Miskan Leomanut

Galia Bar Or

Prof. Yossi Mali

The Concept of INGENIUM in the Thought of Gianbattitsta Vico

Naama Asheri

Prof. Alon Ilai

Prof. Eyal Zisser

Ben-Gurion's dismissal Of za'im's Proposal For Peace Summit Meeting In 1949

David Peled

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

The Law Of Determinability: Maimon After Leibniz And Kant And Before Hegel

Oded Schechter

Prof. Yehuda Elkana

The Balance-Model In The Sociology Of Norbert Elias

Tzvi Pepper

Prof. Zeev Bechler

Prof. Meir Hemmo

Is Quantum Mechanics Compatible with Special Relativity?

Omer Luzzatti

Prof. Adi Ophir

Could Being And Time Be A Source Of Ethics

Kinneret Meir

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Prof. Hanan Hever

Between "feminine" and "national" - Rachel Eitan, Netiva Ben-Yehuda

Tamar Mishmar

Prof. Sabetai Unguru

Prof. Ruth Manor

Gödel`s Theorem And The Mind-Body Problem

Ofer Shamai


Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Prof. Ruth Manor

Many Valued Logic As A Solution To The Paradoxes Of The Material Implication

Yoav Rozenberg

Prof. Yakir Aharonov

Paradoxes In Modern Physics

Daniel Kremer

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Prof. Eli Friedlander

The Concept Of Death In Heidegger: Psychoanalytic And Feminist Perspectives

Achva Carael

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Biology And Ideology; Lysenkoism In Israel

Dan Barzilay

Prof. Adi Ophir

Hanoch Levin As Culture Product

Noam Yoran

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

From The Will To Power To The Dynamic Unconscious On Nietzsche's Presence In Freud's Thought

Osnat Rechter

Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

Economy And Ideology In The Kibbutz Movement 1948-1953

Naom Kadman


Prof. Zeev Bechler

Two Threats to the Notion of 'Content'

Doron Avital


The Origins Of Literate Behaviour

Gevah Rechav

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Prof.  Moshe Zuckerman

No Admittance Except on Business. Patien's Autonomy: Freedom in Social Context

Miran Epstein

Dr. Ido Yavetz

Galileo And The Telescope; The Status Of Theoretical And Practical Knowledge And Techniques Of Measurement

Yaakov Zik

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Prof. Anat Biletzki

The Liar Paradox And The Intemporality Of Logic

Itzhak Melamed

Prof. Juergen Renn

Dr. Ido Yavetz

Henri Poincare's Theory of Relativity

Shaul Katzir


Prof. Rivka Feldhay

On The Relation Between The Conceptual And The Visual In De Visione Dei By Nicholas De Cusa

Ofra Regev


Prof. Adi Ophir

The Concept Of Hegemony As An Answer To The Problem Of Mediation

Daniel Filc

Prof. Yoav Ariel

Medical Traditions In Ancient China-Comparison And Analysis Of The Factors That Induced The Development Of Medical Theory

Assaf Goldschmidt

Prof. Yehuda Elkana

The Language of Art and the Art of Language. An Investigation of Kant and Wittgenstein

Avner Baz

Prof. Amos Funkenstein

Political Rationality:A Critical Study Of The Political Theory Of Jurgen Habermas

Naomi Sussman

Prof. Menachem Fisch

Adequacy Conditions For The Explication Of Rationality

Arieh Wurm

Prof. Yehuda Elkana

The Role and Purpose of the Study of Color in Goethe's Theory

Elam Languztki

Prof. Menachem Fisch

The Historical Foundations Of The Science Of Chaos

Galina Graneck


Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

Hans Vaihinger And The Philosophy Of As-If

Ohad Parness

Prof. Yehuda Elkana

The Reliance On Metaphysical Pictures Within Contemporary Debates About Realism

Ori Simchen


Prof. Zeev Bechler

Bertrand Russell's Theory Of Construction Of Points Out Of Events

Reviel Netz


Prof. Zeev Bechler

Kant's Cosmology as an Elaboration of Newton's Physics

Ana Ben-Sirah


Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Tropes And Topics In Scientific Discourse: Galileo's De Motu

Ofer Gal

Prof. Amos Funkenstein

A Quantum Mechanical Model Of Self-Measurement

Meir Hemmo

Prof. Sabetai Unguru

Theories Of Perspective In Their Historical Context 1200 1450

Dov Raz Hen

Prof. Yossi Mali

Johan Huizinga As A Cultural Historian - A Study Of The History Of Ideas And Cultural Critisism

Dror Levy


Prof. Yehuda Elkana

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Theory on New Research Directions

Naftali Rozenberg


Further Reading

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