Past Events
28.12.2020: A conference to celebrate Sabetai Unguru's 90th birtday
Video recordings from the conference:
History and Philosophy of Economics Seminar - 12.11.18
11-12.6.2018 Civilizations of Knowledge
10.4.2018 - Conference in the memory of Sam Schweber
Changing One's Mind - 26-27.11.2017
A conference marking the retirement of Menachem Fisch
Visualizing The Soul - 5-8.11.2017
Lectures Abstracts and Lecturers Biography
12.6.2017 - The History of Thought
A conference marking the retirement of Gideon Frudenthal
19-20.12.2016 - Oh-Man Oh-Machine
18.12.2016 -Images Don't lie (?)
14-15.11.2016 - The Moral Dilemmas of Science
15-16.5.2016 - Machines, Ideas and Metaphors
13-14.4.2016 - Critical Reflections on Alternative Paths to Modernity
A conference marking the retirement of Rivka Feldhay
11-12.11.2015 - Interactions of Interwas Physics