Bar-Hillel Colloquium

As a prestigious lecture series, the Bar-Hillel colloquium consists of eight meetings held every month from November through June. Each meeting includes a presentation by a prominent scholar (usually invited from abroad) followed by a commentator and a discussion with the audience.


The Bar-Hillel Colloquium was founded on 1981 under the name “The Israeli Colloquium for the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science”, a cooperation of three leading institutes: the Edelstein Center for the history and philosophy of science, technology and medicine (at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem), the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem and the Cohn Institute.


In 1987, the Bar-Hillel family and its friends founded the bar-Hillel fund in memory of prof. Yehoshua Bar-Hillel. The fruits of this fund are currently dedicated to support the colloquium and promoting teaching and research in the history, philosophy and sociology of science, as well as in the philosophy of language and the cognitive sciences – the entire broad domain upon which prof. Bar-Hillel’s interest focused. Since then, the colloquium is called after prof. Bar-Hillel, in his memory.







Here are the recently held colloquium programs:

Colloquium Program 2019-2020

Colloquium Program 2017-2018

Colloquium Program 2016-2017

Colloquium Program 2015-2016

Colloquium Program 2014-2015

Colloquium Program 2013-2014

Colloquium Program 2012-2013

Colloquium Program 2011-2012

Colloquium Program 2010-2011

Colloquium Program 2009-2010

Colloquium Program 2008-2009

Colloquium Program 2007-2008

Colloquium Program 2006-2007



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