Amos Funkenstein Prize

In the academic year of 1999-2000, a scholarship in the memory of the late Prof. Amos Funkenstein was established as a common initiative of the Cohn Institute and the School of History at Tel Aviv University.


The prize is granted every year to student research conducted in one of Prof. Funkenstein’s fields of interest, which can be singled out as daring and highly original.


Ph.D. dissertations and M.A. theses which were handed in and accepted throughout an academic year can be nominated to receive the prize in that same year.

PhD Thesis/MA Thesis



Student Name


MA Thesis


Dr. Ido Yavetz

Prof. Matteo Valleriani


Statistical Considerations for Rethinking the Historiography of Ancient Greek Astronomy

Zvi  Hasnes Beninson


MA Thesis


Prof. Yossi Schwartz

Perceptions of the Torah in Medieval Jewish Hermeneutics – a Comparative Studyof Ibn Ezra, Maimonides and Nahmanides

Ayal Hayut-man


PhD Thesis

Prof. Yossi Schwartz

Prof. Daniel Dor

Karl Kraus: Language, Society and the Rise of the Media-



Gal Hertz


PhD Thesis

Prof. Benjamin Arbel

A Tale of Three Thirsty Cities

The Innovative Water Supply Systems of Toledo, London and Paris in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century

Chaim Shulman


MA Thesis

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

A few Thoughts concerning

Leibniz's Odd Though

Dikla Bytner 2015

PhD Thesis

Prof. Eva Jablonka

Prof. Shulamit Volkov

Social-Mendelism’: The Effects of Mendels Theorems on the Formation of Human Sciences in Germany, 1900-1936

Amir Teicher


MA Thesis


Prof. Moshe Zuckerman

The Order of the Symbol: Joseph De Maistre's Considerations of the Symbolic Representation as Major Element in the Political Life

Yigal Liverant


PhD Thesis

Prof. Yossef Schwartz

Prof. Peter S. Hawkins

Dante Alighieri the Secular Theologian: Reception, Authority and Subversion 1320-1483

Leon Jacobowitz Efron


PhD Thesis

Prof. Rivka Feldhay

Honorè Fabri and the history of Mechanics

Michael Elazar


PhD Thesis

Prof. Menachem Fisch

The Languages of Talmudic Discourse: A Philosophical Study of the Evolution of Amoraic Halakha

Ariel Furstenberg


PhD Thesis

Prof. Adi Ophir

Prof. Anat Biletzki

A Post-Structural Reading of a Logico-Mathematical Text

Roy Wagner


MA Thesis

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

On Scientist's Use of Tools: The Limits of the Sociological Approach

Eran Tal


MA Thesis

Prof. Yosef Schwartz

Reflexive Thinking in the Divine Realm and in Human Thinking in the Writigns of Alberus Magnus

Ayelet Ibn Ezra


MA Thesis

Prof. Irad Malkin

The Principle of Spatial Continuity between "Imaginary" and "Real" Territories in the Geographical Conception of the Earth's Confines in Homerus' and Hesiod's Poetry

Gali Schapira


MA Thesis

Prof. Jose Brunner

The Case Of Ellen West: Between Psychotherapy & Existentialism

Naama Akaviah


PhD Dissertation

Prof. Ron Barkai

Dreams, Medicine And Therapy In The Middle AgesThe Theory Of Dreams In Islamic And Jewish Culture

Hagar Smilanski


MA Thesis

Prof. Adi Ophir

Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon: A Moral Domain

Michal Givoni


MA Thesis

Prof. Yossi Mali

King Of Desires: Blaise Pascal On Nature,Illusion And Domination

Galia Uri-Asseo


MA Thesis

Prof. Gideon Freudenthal

The Law Of Determinability: Maimon After Leibniz and Kant and Before Hegel

Oded Schechter


PhD Dissertation

Prof. Ron Barkai

Astrology and Biblical Exegesis in Abraham Ibn Ezra's Thought

Shlomo Sela


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